You mustn’t drink cold water! Theme of the lesson: You mustn’t drink cold water!
Aims of the lesson: Educational: To introduce rules of reading letter combinations ir/yr and ire/yre - to introduce modal verb must/mustn’t 2) Developing: to develop pupils listening and reading drill. 3) Cultural: To bring up interest and love to the subject.
The type of the lesson: open lesson The method of the lesson: Explaining, question - answer
PRODUCERE OF THE LESSON Organization moment T: Good morning, pupils! How are you? What season is it now? What month is it now? What is the weather like today? What date is it today? What day is it today?
Phonetic drill Tick- tock, Tick- tock, This is Big Ben. Big Ben is a clock. Day and night With all its might Big Ben, the clock, Says: Tick- tock.
“Vocabulary” Bird - құс fire - от First -бірінші fireplace - алауошақ Thirsty - шөлдеген tired - шаршаған Myrtle – мирт (өсімдік) tyre - шина
Exercise 2 page 48 Listen and tick
Exercise 2 page 48 Answers: First Thirsty Tired Myrtle Fire
Exercise 3 page 48 Write: First Thirsty Tired Myrtle Fire
Modal verb must
Modal verb mustn’t
Hunds up Hunds down Hop Hop Turn around Bend left Bend right Sit down
Play game “Noughts” and “Crosses” For this game you should be divided into two teams “Noughts” and “ Crosses” Your task is to make up sentences with these words. The sentences Can be affirmative, negative. Now let’s choose who takes the first turn. I team. “Noughts” Must he Tv watch. II team “Crosses” Must he to school go.
Conclusion You have three cards on your desks: red, yellow, green. At the end of the lesson you will raise one. The green one - I worked very well. The yellow one - I could work better. The red one - I didn’t work.