ECLAIRE - Bugac station Tamás Weidinger and László Horváth Participants: Forest Research Institute, Budapest Szent István University, Gödöllő Eötvös Loránd University, Budapest Special thinks for the participation of the measurement and micrometeorological data preparing for Zoltán Nagy, Kriszta Pinter (SZIU), Zénó Gyöngyösi, Zoltán Istenes (ELTE), Attila Eredics (University of West Hungary, Sopron)
Bugac Hungary (WP1) located in Kiskunság National Park, in the Hungarian Great Plain, coordinates: 46.8 N, 18.9 E climate is extreme temperate continental (yearly precipitation ~ 500 mm) vegetation: semiarid sandy grassland. manipulation: grazing ~ 0.5 cow/ha Micrometeorological measurements from 2002
Enviscope (Karlsruhe type) fast response ozone for eddy ozone flux Bugac puszta Instrumentation O3, NO, NO2 online gradient measurements at 2 heights Soil emission of NO using 4 dynamic chambers (1 per hour) two automatic and two non automatic chamber Fast response ozone measurement CO2 flux measurement by eddy-system (SZIU) Energy budget components and micrometeorological measurement (based on the earlier NEU protocol from SZIU) Enviscope (Karlsruhe type) fast response ozone for eddy ozone flux
Chamber measurements Dynamic chambers used in NUE program (V ~ 3 dm3) and automatic chambers from Italy (6.6 dm3) for hourly NO flux measurements.
Bugac site -Each instrument in operation raw dataset -Trace gas flux calculation under progress HORIBA APNA and APOA 350 monitors, for NO/NO2 gradient fluxes: 3 and 0.6 m inlets, 5-5 minute measurements with frequent data logging
Preliminary results – NO flux (1. Oct – 10. Dec) Mean Values: 3.82, 1.89, 0.91 and 0,66 mgN/m2h Non automatic dynamical chamber Sensitivity of soil flux to input temperature: 0.4 % per oC (Fm ≈ Fbl)
Non automatic chamber Mean: 1.89 Mean: 0.91 Automatic chamber
Eddy covariance Ozone flux 10 Hz sampling, 30 min average despiking (4s ) linear detrending 2D coordinate rotating mV – Ozone (mg/m3) conversion covariance maximization Webb-correction (Closed path sensor)
Open questions Eddy covariance sensitivity of the ozone disk (O3 concentration, relative humidity), nighttime covariance maximization, nighttime flux variances and positive values, flux-profile relationships Gradient method uncertainty of the daytime gradients, choose of the universal functions, ONLY statistical investigation of the
O3 / Voltage ratio
Maximization of covariance, time delay
Webb-correction, real time delays
What is the optimal detrending? Unstationarity of nighttime time series
Effect of time delay and 2D coordinate rotation
Daily variation of O3
Daily variation of O3 differences
Future: Continuous flux measurements Optimal method for eddy covariance calculation Nighttime fluxes Statistical investigations of gradient measurements Modeling work WRF/CMAQ Comparison study of automatic and non automatic dynamic chamber measurements