Developments in ICT
Developments in ICT Today’s lesson you will cover: Computer Interfaces Hardware Changes Social Changes caused by ICT
Operating Systems An Operating System is the software that controls the overall operation of your computer. It controls how and where things are saved, how instructions are prioritised and generally makes all the parts function well together. Microsoft Windows XP is an example of an Operating System. What others can you think of?
GUI Windows is an example of a GUI. This stand for Graphical User Interface. It is also known as WIMP. What do you think WIMP stands for when referring to an Operating System? What are the biggest benefits of a WIMP interface?
CLI A CLI is a Command Line Interface. It’s rubbish, basically But very powerful and very quick As long as you know the codes! Watch this video on how to configure a piece of Network equipment. What are the problems with this sort of Interface?
Hardware changes.... Computer hardware has changed hugely in recent years.... Enjoy (!) this recent mobile phone advert.... How about this advert for the early version of the Internet... Write down (in the notes space), all the different features your mobile phone will now do!
More Hardware changes Find and write a brief summary of each of the following types of computer: Personal Computer Laptop Mainframe Palmtop Personal Digital Assistant You can pair up if you want to.
Homework Interview a parent, carer or older relative about how technology impacts on their life. Try to find out what they are now able to do that was not possible previously. Ask about their skill level with technology, and how they have learnt these skills? Were they trained or are they self taught?