Welcome to Mrs. Sadowsky’s Math Support Class! You can make any additions to this slide that you would like! I just made it generic so that it could be used this way. Email: tsadowsky@everettsd.org Phone: (425) 385-7602
Agenda: Class Purpose Homework Grading Procedures Questions? Feel free to make any changes that you would like to this slide as well!
Class Purpose: In this class students work on the concepts being taught in their regular math class. Students review previously taught concepts for reinforcement, or are pre-taught new concepts before they are introduced in their regular math class. Building students’ confidence in and love for math is SO important!
Homework: There will never be any math homework in this class. You can support their learning by reviewing their comp book and homework/classwork assignments from their regular math class. Please send a 1-inch binder to be kept in class if you haven’t already! They will not leave Math Support with anything. Everything they do stays here in class.
Grading Procedures: No letter grades will be issued. A Satisfactory (S) grade is earned by playing an active role in the class. (Students need at least 70% of their grades to be S to get an overall S grade for this class.) Grades are given on a weekly, or sometimes daily, basis based on their effort towards learning. Check LMS often to see updates. You will need to add in the percentages for your grading components. I don’t know that I have them all either. This was my best guess. You can explain the whole idea about why we are doing standards based grading … we want the grade to be about learning rather than behaviors. Students still need to have the accountability for homework and classwork completion.
Questions? • Did you receive my Welcome Letter? Please see me for a replacement copy if not! • Do I have your email address? Is it updated in the school system? Please get an updated email address to me ASAP!
Thank you for coming!