Mrs. Sands’ Technology Procedures
Cell phone Policy Cell phones will not be used at anytime during class. Cell phones are to be left in students' backpacks at all times. You are aware of when to use cellphones by color displayed on the cellphone sign: Green Side= Cell Phones are Allowed Red Side= Cell Phones not Allowed If these rules are not adhered to the following consequences will be as follows: 1. Warning 2. I will confiscate the cell phone and hold on to it until the end of class. 3. I will confiscate the cell phone and turn it into the assigned administrator for a parent/guardian to pick up.
Ear bud/ Headphone Policy Please listen to music but follow the rules. Ear buds/Headphones are used AFTER instruction is given. Volume is low enough for you to hear me. Music Videos MUST be minimized while listening to music. Devices are not shared after class has begun.
Ear bud/Headphone Policy cont…… If these rules are not adhered to the following consequences will be as follows: 1. Warning 2. I will confiscate the ear buds/headphones and hold on to them until the end of the period. 3. I will confiscate the ear buds/headphones and turn them into the assigned administrator for a parent/guardian to pick up.
Powering up the Computers These are not your computers. They are on loan to you this year. Therefore you will take care of them and follow all procedures. Powering up the Computers Power button is located on the back of the left bottom corner of your screen Main Power Cord is on the back of your screen Extension cord under your desk is on and plugged into the chain of cords or your computer is plugged into the wall.
Shutting off your computer At the end of every class you need to shut down your computers. This protects the computers and keeps your files safe. 1. Save all documents 2. Click on top left Apple icon 3. Click on Shut down If you are unable to shut down properly please let me know and I will do it for you.
How to leave your workspace…. Computer shut down Keyboard up on the mount All supplies put away Folders with all papers are place in the top corner of your computer. Clean-up Routine You will find in the book case a tray of cleaning supplies with your rows number on it. Wipe down the desks and the keyboard with the rough blue rag Clean the Screens with a lightly sprayed soft blue rag Monday: Period 1 Tuesday: Period 2 Wednesday: Period 3 Thursday: Period 4 Friday: Period 5
NO EATTING OR DRINKING Take your food outside and finish it. If you are eating in the hall when the bell rings you are tardy. Leave your trash outside. Water can be left under the desk. *Remember if something happens to the computers you most likely will not get to use it for the rest of the school year.
TECHNOLOGY ISSUES If your computer freezes DO NOT TURN IT OFF FROM THE POWER BUTTON, THE MAIN POWER CORD OR THE EXTENSION CORD!!!!!!! Ask me for help. You could loose all of your work and damage the computer. ASK FOR HELP ANYTIME YOU HAVE A COMPUTER ISSUE!!!!!