Forests of Warmia and Masuria Eliza Józefowicz Kinga Kosińska KLASA PIERWSZA Zespół Szkół nr 1 w Nidzicy Opiekun: Dorota Taratycka
European Forests Forests in Europe extend to 161 million hectares (4% of the forest area in the world). The average forest cover in Europe is 33.7% (excluding Russia).
Warmia and Masuria Warmia and Masuria is a big region in north - east Poland. This area is standing out with outstanding landscape and natural advantages. It is above all a land of lakes, picturesque hills and extensive forests.
The Pisz Forest The Pisz Forest is the biggest forest complex of Warmia and Masuria region and one of the biggest in the country. The area is about 1000 km2. It is located in the south- east part of the Warmia and Mazurian region. The Pisz Forest is covering extensive, sandy areas above all. In the past and now here pine forests dominate. Apart from the pine forests there are also multi-species deciduous forests. Among the plants it is worth to mention the modest Galium trifidum found in Poland only here, as well as Gladiolus imbricatus and Adenophora liliifolia appearing in the Warmia and Masuria only in The Pisz Forest.
Flora and Fauna The variety of water bodies and wetlands in The Pisz Forest and beautifully preserved forests make this place a huge wealth of flora and fauna.
Flora The great floristic peculiarities are: relict Northern chamaedaphne - the richest position in Poland, Salix Myrtilloides, Low birch, Yew, Pasque flower, Polemonium caeruleum, Woolly delicate,Orchids. The list of protected plants occurring here is very long, many of them are beautiful, showy plants, real jewels of our forests and meadows.
Fauna Like the flora, fauna is very rich. Many species of wild animals live in the forest, among them: deer, roe- deer, boar – they are important game animals. Moose are the largest members of the deer family. They are also the tallest mammals in Poland. There is a very long list of predatory mammals occuring here. In addition to the most common species, such as: fox, raccon, badger, both species of marten and polecat, it is frequent – associated with water- otter and very large American mink. The forest is inhabited by several families of wolves. In addition, we can still meet: beavers, bats and birds water- mud.
The Pisz Forest in winter
The Pisz Forest in spring
The Pisz Forest in summer
The Pisz Forest in autumn
Bibliography Literature: 1. Stachurski Andrzej, Przyroda Polska Warmia i Mazury, Olsztyn 2015. Internet sources: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.