Ionising Radiation Discuss the health hazards of ionising radiation. Measure background radiation. Give common radiation sources. Discuss disposal of nuclear waste. Discuss protection from radiation.
Health Hazards The harm of radiation depends on type (more ionising is worse), activity, exposure time, and type of tissue affected. Low activity radiation is not that dangerous as most of it either cannot penetrate the skin or passes through the body. Ingesting radioactive particles is far more dangerous as the radiation can hit organs directly. High activity radiation will likely cause damage. Damage includes burns, mutations, cancers, or death.
To Measure Background Radiation Turn on a GM tube with no radioactive sources nearby. Measure the number of counts over one minute. Calculate the activity in per seconds.
Radiation Sources Cosmic rays from space consist of many different particles, including the types of radiation we’ve covered. Rocks contain radioactive materials (it’s where we get them). Radon gas is a particular issue in Ireland as it is often found in granite, on which many homes are built. Man-made radioactive materials (e.g. radioactive waste, radium watch faces).
Nuclear Waste Nuclear fission produces radioactive materials. Some products have uses, such as sterilising food, instruments, or blood; or powering Mars rovers. Many of these products have no use and must be disposed of. Currently, it is stored underground in drums, which will be a problem for future generations. Future tech may include space guns, space elevators, and transmutation.
Protection from Radiation Sources must be properly shielded, with lead or concrete. Humans should keep their distance from the sources where possible – today, robots and drones may be used, but previously this meant using tongs. Protective clothing should be worn.