ATEM Tertiary Education Sector Workplace Survey 2016
University Workplace Survey 2016 Background ATEM 40th Anniversary Connecting your career with people and practice Benchmark Survey University Workplace Survey 2016
Methodology and Limitations Convenience sample, invitations sent to approximately 6000 individuals 429 responses, 59 NZ and AUS institutions Survey was opened for 6 weeks Sample cannot be considered statistically representative of the sector Informative value and similar methodology to THE survey 2900
Survey Instrument Personal Pay and Conditions Politics 34 statements in 4 sections: 5 point likert scale ‘Strongly Agree’ to ‘Strongly Disagree’ Socio-demographic items ATEM members specific items Personal Pay and Conditions Politics Workplace atmosphere
Respondents Respondents Characteristics Respondent Characteristic Percentage Count Gender Female 75.8% 336 Male 21.4% 95 Prefer no to say 2.7% 12 Ethnicity European Caucasian 90.5% 399 Other 9.5% 50 Country Australia 89.6% 396 New Zealand 10.2% 45 0.2% 1 Age 21 - 40 22.5% 100 Age 41-50 30.9% 137 Age 51-60 35.7% 158 Age 61+ 6.3% 28 Respondents Respondents Characteristics
Length of career in the sector Close to 2/3 of respondents have worked in the sector for over 10 years Most common length of career in sector was 21 years or more Close to 60% have been working in the sector for over 10 years.
Professional staff To allow for a meaningful comparison of the ATEM survey results with the THE survey only staff who declared that the majority of their role was professional (n=394) were selected for further analysis Professional or Managerial Academic
Findings Highlights All at pretty much exactly the same level as in the UK so no differences there to speak of.
Findings Lowlights 5 items out the 7 lowlights are related to workload issues One is on quality standards One on leadership
Comparison with UK % items out the 7 lowlights are related to workload issues One is on quality standards One on leadership
Comparison with UK % items out the 7 lowlights are related to workload issues One is on quality standards One on leadership
Summary Professional staff sentiment is generally largely positive and similar to UK findings Some differences around workload/working hours, assessment of leadership performance and with internal quality standards with ATEM survey respondents being more negative than UK respondents on these topics Obviously some respondents don’t see working more than their contracted hours as an issue as they do not say they spend too much time working.
Finance Conference 11-12 May Gold Coast, Australia See you there!
Supplementary Slides
Working Hours per week ‘In a typical week, how many hours do you work ?’ Average 44.7 hours.
Respondents Respondents Characteristics Respondent Characteristic Percentage Count Sector University 90.4% 395 TAFE, ITP 4.1% 18 Other 5.5% 25 Level of Education Education secondary school 1.8% 8 Vocational certificate or diploma 6.8% 30 Undergraduate University degree or diploma 27.3% 121 Postgraduate University degree or diploma 64.1% 284 ATEM Membership 51.7% 228 Type of employment Employed Full-Time 87.6% 382 Employed Part-Time 12.4% 54 Respondents Respondents Characteristics Almost all university Very educated workforce (64% at postgraduate level) Mostly full-time