Welcome to KS2 SPaG
SPaG stands for Spelling, Punctuation and Grammar SPaG stands for Spelling, Punctuation and Grammar. Throughout all Key stages there is now a very strong focus on developing the children’s skills in these areas. Year 6 now sit a SPaG SATs test.
In school we teach SPaG in individual sessions and through our daily English sessions. Skills are built upon and progressed each year.
Putting words into context.
When the children join Year 3 High frequency words. When the children join Year 3 we test them on the first 100 high frequency words. These words are the most commonly used words and we need to ensure that they are spelt and used correctly in their learning as well as in tests.
Punctuation One way of getting the children actively involved in punctuation lessons is… Kung Fu punctuation https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VZHUt0MY0Xw and Punctuation games on iPads or laptops. http://www.bbc.co.uk/bitesize/ks2/english/spelling_grammar/punctuation/play/
In lower Key stage 2 we try and do a lot of work on tenses. Grammar In lower Key stage 2 we try and do a lot of work on tenses.
In Upper Key Stage 2 we concentrate on complex sentence structure. Grammar In Upper Key Stage 2 we concentrate on complex sentence structure. We move from using simple sentences (capital letter, noun, verb, full stop) and begin to add more details to interest the reader.
Grammar For example, The old witch, who lives in the creepy forest, scares all the children.
Now you can join in with a range of activities that we use within the school that the children really enjoy. Please have a go and feel free to ask us any questions you have.