Multi Cultural Week Pakistan
Pakistan Continent: Asia Current Population: 176,745,364 Official language: Urdu, English How to say hello:aslamualaiykum Other languages: Punjabi, Pashto Sindhi, and Balochi
Religion Main religion: Muslim 97% (Sunni 77%, Shi’a 20%) Other religions: Christian, Hindu National symbol: Markhor (Himalayan Goat-Antelope) National Anthem: “Pak Sarzamin” (The Sacred Land)
Popular Dishes Shahi Turka: a dessert made with sliced bread, milk, cream, sugar, and saffron (a type of spice).
Popular Dishes Dhal (Lentil Stew):Dhal is made from lentils. There are several varieties of lentils—red, brown, and green. All are used by South Asian (Pakistani and Indian) cooks.
Popular Dishes Chicken Tandoori: is a popular Pakistan dish consisting of roasted chicken prepared with yogurt and spices. The name comes from the type of cylindrical clay oven, a tandoor, in which the dish is traditionally prepared.
Traditional Clothing Shalwar kameez: Shalwar: A traditional dress worn by both men and women. Loose pajama like trousers Kameez: A long tunic or shirt. The side seams are left open below the waist to give the wearer greater movement.
Government Type: Parliamentary Democratic Republic President: Asif Ali Zardar Vice President: Dr. Babar Awan Prime Minister: Raja Pervez Ashraf Capital: Islamabad 4.5 million