Dominant optic atrophy Dominant optic atrophy. A 43-year-old woman has had subnormal vision her entire life. With a known family history of visual loss, she also brought her 18-year-old asymptomatic daughter for evaluation. (A) The mother's optic discs show diffuse pallor, with more striking pallor temporally. (B) Bilateral cecocentral scotomas were present with Goldmann perimetry. The visual acuity was 20/200 in both eyes. (C) The daughter's optic discs showed bilateral temporal pallor. (D) The daughter's automated perimetry showed bilateral shallow central scotomas. The visual acuity was 20/50 in each eye. (E) Four generations of this family are known or suspected to be affected by this autosomally dominant hereditary neuropathy (Kjer). (1, the mother; 2, the daughter.) Source: Optic Nerve Disorders, Practical Neuroophthalmology Citation: Martin TJ, Corbett JJ. Practical Neuroophthalmology; 2013 Available at: Accessed: October 24, 2017 Copyright © 2017 McGraw-Hill Education. All rights reserved