Supporting people affected by lymphatic cancer Jane Chalk Volunteer Ambassador for Surrey
Currently the fifth most common cancer in the UK About lymphoma Currently the fifth most common cancer in the UK There are over 60 different types of lymphoma Supporting people affected by lymphatic cancer
The Lymphoma Association A national, registered charity established in 1986 to support anyone affected by lymphatic cancer Supporting people affected by lymphatic cancer
Four main areas of work Information and support Raising awareness - Supporting people affected by lymphoma - Working with health professionals and other organisations Supporting people affected by lymphatic cancer
Providing information and emotional support Helpline Providing information and emotional support Supporting people affected by lymphatic cancer
‘I found that as my illness progressed I had more and more questions ‘I found that as my illness progressed I had more and more questions. I used the Lymphoma Association helpline from the day after my diagnosis until after my stem cell transplant, and found their support and information invaluable.’ Supporting people affected by lymphatic cancer
Buddy scheme – over 140 buddies covering a wide range of situations Enables people with lymphoma to talk to someone who has had a similar experience Buddies receive training and support ‘ Supporting people affected by lymphatic cancer
However supportive your friends and family are, sometimes it is a comfort to be able to talk to someone you do not know’ - Kay, buddy.
40 local groups bringing together people affected by lymphoma Support Groups 40 local groups bringing together people affected by lymphoma Offering support and information Supporting people affected by lymphatic cancer
‘Through the support group I have made some very good friends ‘Through the support group I have made some very good friends. There were times when the group kept me going.’ Rachel
Website: ‘It has helped me so much to discuss things with someone who really knows what it’s like’– Linda, website user. Supporting people affected by lymphatic cancer
Magazine News, information and comment Latest research and medical opinion Personal experience Supporting people affected by lymphatic cancer
Raising Awareness With the public…through an annual awareness week every September With GPs…..through our online training course developed with the RCGP Supporting people affected by lymphatic cancer