TOWARDS THE YEREVAN 2015 MINISTERIAL CONFERENCE: A NEW AGENDA FOR THE EHEA Hayk Sargsyan 11 March 2015 Moscow, Russian Federation.


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Presentation transcript:

TOWARDS THE YEREVAN 2015 MINISTERIAL CONFERENCE: A NEW AGENDA FOR THE EHEA Hayk Sargsyan 11 March 2015 Moscow, Russian Federation

European Higher Education Area: Basics 47 member countries 8 consultative members: Higher Education Institutions-EUA EURASHE Students and faculty-ESU, EI Other stakeholders-ENQA, BUSINESSEUROPE International institutions-European Commission, Council of Europe, UNESCO over 4000 universities 30 mln student population

Main role: BFUG Secretariat “ provide neutral support to further the consolidation of the European Higher Education Area under the exclusive authority of the BFUG and its Chairs and Vice-Chairs.” Functions: Administrative and operational support for BFUG, its sub-structures (WG and networks) and the Board (minute-taking, background documents drafting, assisting chairs in planning the meeting, communication etc.); Maintaining the EHEA permanent website ( and electronic archives; Act as an internal and external contact point for the EHEA, while ensuring dissemination of information on behalf of the Chairs or based on direct requests; Participate in organising the 2015 Ministerial Conference and Bologna Policy Forum.

2012-2015 Work Plan Structures BFUG *Pathfinder Group on Automatic Recognition *Steering Committee (E4 plus EQAR, EI, BUSINESSEUROPE) on the ESG Revision *Peer Learning and Review Initiative *Financing and Governance of HE BFUG Reporting on the Implementati0n of the Bologna Process WG Social Dimension and Lifelong Learning WG Structural Reforms WG Ad-hoc WG on the Revision of the ECTS User's Guide Ad-hoc WG on the Third Cycle Network of National Correspondents (NQF) Network on Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL) Mobility and Internationalisation WG Network of Experts on Student Support in Europe (NESSIE) Ad-hoc WG on Joint degrees and programs

Mobility and Internationalisation WG Portability of grants and loans in the EHEA: “Sufficient financial support to students is essential in ensuring equal access and mobility opportunities. We reiterate our commitment to full portability of national grants and loans across the EHEA and call on the European Union to underpin this endeavour through its policies.” Staff mobility Fair academic and professional recognition (including informal and non formal learning) Strive for open higher education systems and better balanced mobility in the EHEA. International openness to the other regions of the world

Future of HE in Europe Bologna Process continues to have important role in promoting and supporting further positive developments in higher education and for addressing challenges at the national and European level . At the same time the present realities are different from those of 15 years before which impact on higher education: demographic changes, new technological developments, economic crises, issues related to minorities, political and religious extremism. Public authorities, the academic staff and students of the EHEA need to strengthen dialogue and cooperation to ensure that HE is able to face the challenges of the new times. A new EHEA vision is required. Policies and tools should be modernised.

Priorities for 2015-2018 and beyond Enhancing the quality of teaching and learning also by integration of modern technologies and methods. Improvement of employability of graduates under the present financial crisis, promoting creativity, innovation and entrepreneurship. Further more even implementation of structural reforms, with support for the countries facing particular challenge. Increasing the capacity of higher education to meet the societal challenges.

Yerevan Ministerial Conference 14-15 May 2015 Total: 550 participants from 64 countries and 30 organisations One and a half day of discussions and bilateral meetings The participants will have an opportunity to visit leading Armenian universities Bologna Policy Forum will include 17 EHEA neighboring & Mediterranean region countries. The Agenda will include the discussion of 2015 Implementation report and the Future of the Bologna Process

Key documents to be adopted by the Ministers Yerevan Communiqué Bologna Policy Forum Statement Revised Standards and Guidelines for Quality Assurance in the European Higher Education Area (ESG) European Approach on Quality Assurance of Joint Programmes Adoption of the revised ECTS User’s Guide as an official EHEA document Guidelines for staff mobility Guidelines for the portability of grants and loans. There will be a series of commitments and decisions based on the key recommendations that the working groups have developed during the last three years See you in Yerevan on 14-15 May 2015 Thank you !