WHAT ARE CARBOHYDRATES? Carbohydrates are sugars and starches that come mainly from plant food. They give your body much of the energy it needs each day. There are two types of carbohydrates- SIMPLE and COMPLEX
CARBOHYDRATES Sugars in food are either natural or refined SIMPLE CARBS Sugars in food are either natural or refined Natural sugars are found in fruits, milk, honey, and syrup. These foods usually contain other nutrients. Refined sugars such as table sugar has no other nutrients. Refined sugar is often added to cakes, candies, cookies, and soft drinks. Most foods with added sugar provide few nutrients and a lot of calories. Are sugars Sugars have many different names: sucrose is table sugar, fructose is sugar in fruit, lactose is sugar in milk Sugar requires little digestion and enters the bloodstream quickly giving you quick energy Energy boost from sugar wears off quickly causing you to feel tired and sleep because sugar has no other nutrients
CARBOHYDRATES COMPLEX CARBS Nutrient dense because they provide many nutrients in a small amount of calories. Dietary Guideline suggest most calories come from complex carbohydrates. Foods with complex carbs are also a good source of fiber, which is not a nutrient but helps digest food. Studies show that fiber in the diet helps protect the body from some forms of cancer Are starches Take longer to digest than sugars Longer-lasting source of energy, Found in starchy veggies such as potatoes, corn, beans, and peas. Also found in grain products such as pasta, rice, bread, and cereal.