Welcome to Fourth Grade! Back to School Night Welcome to Fourth Grade! Mrs. Bellizzie
Teacher Information ~Graduated from West Chester University ~Earned Masters Degree in Educational Leadership from Newman University ~Also have 30 additional credits past Masters Degree ~16th year teaching ~Mom of 3 kids – Mia 11, Nicky 9, Lucas 5
Project Based Learning Driving Question: How can I prepare my child for the real world? Student centered Personalized learning Internship Service learning 21 Century Skills Collaboration Creativity Communication Critical Thinking Project Based Learning Creation Presentation tools Final project development Audience awareness Sustained Learning Solving real world problems Answering complex questions Project Management Leadership skills Organizational skills Timelines and Deadline
Math Everyday Math Program – Everyday Math 4 ConnectEd website A realistic approach to problem solving in everyday life situations Focus on explaining how you know Hybrid Learning Stations – Direct Instruction, Collaborative, & Independent Content Provider – ST Math Math
Reading ~ Reading Wonders Reading Wonders is a reading program designed specifically for the Common Core State Standards for Reading/Language Arts. Combining research- based instruction with new tools to meet today's challenges, every component and every lesson is designed for effective and efficient CCSS instruction. ConnectEd website The program provides support for Building a strong reading foundation Accessing complex text Finding and using text evidence Engaging in collaborative conversations
Reading ~ Reading Wonders Assessments Tested on Skills Trimester Reading Assessments – 10% Bi-Weekly Core Program Assessments – 40% Teacher Choice Assessments – 50% Open ended response Text Dependent Analysis Exit slips Assessments based on guided reading Reading projects Quizzes
Writing ~Being a Writer and Wonders The Being a Writer program provides a writing- process approach to teaching writing that interweaves academic and social-emotional learning Genres of Writing– Personal Narrative, Informational, Opinion/Persuasive Spelling lists match Wonders Reading; tests on Fridays Assessments: District Writing Assessment – 10% Published Pieces – 50% Other pieces – 40%
Science FOSS Science kits Wetlands and water sheds Space Magnetism and Electricity Wetlands and water sheds Space Science PSSAs this year
Social Studies Social Studies Alive! Regions of Our Country Discovering the Social Sciences Exploring regions of the United States Researching the geography & history of PA STUDY SKILLS TEST ALERTS
Homework Policy Homework and reading/math log will be given Monday through Thursday -Homework should take approximately 40 minutes -Incomplete homework assignments will result in note going home, missing recess or conference with parents
Special Schedule Monday – Art Tuesday – Library Wednesday – Music Thursday – Gym & Technology Friday – Health
December Conferences I will send out a Sign-up Genius in November as it gets closer Please send any specific questions in ahead of time so we can be sure to use our time wisely. An email will be sent home to you as a reminder.
Miscellaneous Assignment books - Please make sure you check and sign them at night. Email communication – please make sure your email is up to date in PowerSchool Daily reading and math log (We will only check the last day of the month. This will count as a homework assignment.) All graded papers should be signed and returned. One nutritious snack daily. Birthday treats are welcome! No peanut products, please Visit my website for useful links and information