National Honor Society Major key to success National Honor Society First Meeting of the Year (Woohoo!)
Meet Your Officers! President: Abby Timmins Not here today sorry I’m so lame but I’m super excited to work with you all! Vice President: Shani Cameron Secretary: Jade Molina Treasurer: Cameron Kiepke Historian: Izabelle Barajas
NHS Requirements aka the Fun Stuff! ATTENDANCE One unexcused absence allowed per semester; must get excused by contacting Mr. Chamberlin DUES $15 paid to the business office by Friday, October 6th PROJECTS 3 projects per semester (one personal, two NHS-sponsored or group) Can monitor this in Q Connect for 8th period Student Ambassador class (not graded-used for NHS requirements ONLY)
Requirements (cont.) GPA Must maintain a GPA of at least 3.75 (weighted) If it falls below, you will be placed on NHS Probation and have one semester to bring it back up to remain in NHS
Volunteer Opportunities Blood Drive November 9-10 in the Foyer More to come
General Meetings 1st Wednesday of the months, 3:05-3:45 p.m. in the Lecture Hall and several English classrooms (for smaller group meetings) Important info will be sent out via the district’s new Blackboard system; by default, the email goes to your D11 email address Meeting attendance Refer to the web link to find the form you will need to fill out
Speaking of Groups! Jade: Community Cameron: Medical Shani: Environment Izzy: Children/Environment Abby: Drive Smart (first semester), Special Olympics (second semester)