Richard Lednicky, PAC for PP, 29 January 2009
104th session of the Scientific Council The 104th session of the JINR Scientific Council took place on 25–26 September 2008. It was chaired by JINR Director A. Sissakian and Professor I. Wilhelm. A special feature of the current Scientific Council is its renewed membership, which was approved in March 2008 for a new term of 5 years.
104th session of the Scientific Council Major Agenda Issues A. Sissakian Implementation of the recommendations of the Scientific Council’s 103rd session. Preparation of a Seven-Year Plan for the Development of JINR (2010–2016) R. Lednický, M. Itkis Progress towards realization of the primary tasks of JINR in accordance with its road map in the fields of particle physics and relativistic nuclear physics, nuclear physics, and condensed matter physics A. Belushkin, V. Shvetsov, S. Dmitriev, G. Trubnikov, V. Kekelidze, D. Fursaev Progress reports on current activities: IBR-2 modernization, IREN, DRIBs, Nuclotron-M, NICA/MPD, Educational Programme J. Nassalski, W. Greiner, W. Nawrocik Recommendations of the Programme Advisory Committees M. Itkis Memberships of the PACs and rotation of members in the PACs Election of the DLNP Director Presentations of Diploma “Honorary Doctor of JINR” to Prof. N. Kroó and of diplomas to the winners of JINR prizes for 2007
I. General considerations 104th session of the Scientific Council Here are the most important recommendations of the SC session. I. General considerations The SC appreciated the intention of the JINR Directorate to prepare a plan for the development of JINR for the years 2010–2016 in view of the completion, at the end of this year, of the current seven-year “Programme of the Scientific Research and Development of JINR”. The new plan will be based on the budget estimates for the future period and on the strategic provisions of the JINR road map, and will include such aspects as the realization of the proposed scientific, educational, and innovation programmes, the development of the engineering infrastructure, as well as staffing and social issues.
I. General considerations 104th session of the Scientific Council I. General considerations The SC welcomed the decision of the Committee of Plenipotentiaries to address the governments of the Member States with a proposal to make provisions for an increase of the JINR budget in 2011–2015 (tentatively 2.5 times by the year 2015 relative to the level of the year 2010) with a view to creating an in-house facility base attractive to the Member States and the world scientific community. These facilities will include the Nuclotron-M and NICA/MPD, a third-generation DRIBs facility (DRIBs-III), and a complex of state-of-the-art neutron spectrometers for the modernized reactor IBR-2M. The Scientific Council believes that this suite of advanced instruments provides compelling justification for the proposed increase in budget in 2011–2015.
I. General considerations 104th session of the Scientific Council I. General considerations The SC was highly pleased to learn about the visit to JINR, in April 2008, of the President of the Russian Federation, D. Medvedev. At the PAC meetings in June last year, we informed you about this important visit, in particular that President D. Medvedev highly appreciated the results of JINR’s basic research and underlined the role of science in the innovation process; that he supported the proposals of the JINR Directorate for the establishment in Dubna of an International Innovation Centre for Nanotechnology and of a Centre for Radiation Medicine with JINR’s participation. The President also expressed his positive attitude to the plans for the increase of the JINR budget in 2011–2015.
II. Considerations concerning JINR’s scientific programme 104th session of the Scientific Council II. Considerations concerning JINR’s scientific programme The SC appreciated the progress towards realization of the primary tasks of JINR in accordance with the JINR road map in the fields of particle physics and relativistic nuclear physics, in nuclear physics, and condensed matter physics. The SC actively discussed the progress reports on current activities concerning the upgrade of the basic facilities and construction of new facilities. The SC highly appreciated the JINR Directorate’s intensive ongoing effort to upgrade the JINR basic facilities in order to produce a suite of world-class instruments for basic research, competitive with the most advanced programmes in the world and attractive to the Member States and other countries.
II. Considerations concerning JINR’s scientific programme 104th session of the Scientific Council II. Considerations concerning JINR’s scientific programme The SC endorsed the Directorate’s effort to continue to examine its future role in relation to such international programmes, and to identify and invest in those scientific and technical areas where it anticipates having unquestioned leadership in a world view. In addition, the SC recommended a continued concerted effort by the Directorate and members of the scientific bodies such as the Scientific Council and the PACs to communicate the uniqueness of the scientific and technical opportunities afforded by participation in the JINR programme to national agencies which support this activity, especially in the Member States and other countries. In this regard, the SC recognizes the highly competitive programme afforded by the upgraded IBR-2M, IREN, Nuclotron-M/NICA and DRIBs-III facilities.
III. Recommendations in connection with the PACs 104th session of the Scientific Council III. Recommendations in connection with the PACs The SC concurred with the recommendations made by the PACs at their June 2008 meetings as reported at the session by their Chairpersons, on issues of Particle Physics, Nuclear Physics, Condensed Matter Physics, as well as concerning some common activities (Education Programme, Radiation Medicine, etc.).
IV. Memberships of the PACs 104th session of the Scientific Council IV. Memberships of the PACs The SC appointed Professor V. Kantser (ASM, Chisinau, Moldova) as Chairperson of the PAC for Condensed Matter Physics for a term of three years. The Scientific Council thanked Professor W. Nawrocik for his very successful work as Chairperson of this PAC. The SC also appointed Professors G. Eckold (IPC, Göttingen, Germany) and H. Fuess (IMS, Darmstadt, Germany) as new members of the PAC for Condensed Matter Physics for a term of three years. The Scientific Council thanked the outgoing members Professors H. Lauter and H. Tietze-Jaensch for their very successful work in this PAC. The SC appointed Professor Y. Wang (IHEP, Beijing, China) as a new member of the PAC for Particle Physics for a term of three years.
V. Election of the DLNP Director 104th session of the Scientific Council V. Election of the DLNP Director The Scientific Council elected Professor A. Olshevskiy as Director of the Dzhelepov Laboratory of Nuclear Problems for a term of five years.
Session of the Committee of Plenipotentiaries A regular session of the Committee of Plenipotentiaries of the Governments of the JINR Member States was held in Dubna on 21–22 November 2008. It was chaired by the Plenipotentiary of the Government of the Republic of Azerbaijan, M. Kerimov.
Session of the Committee of Plenipotentiaries Major Agenda Issues A. Sissakian Main directions of the Institute’s strategic development; Preparation of a Plan for the Development of JINR for the years 2010–2016 V. Katrasev Draft budget of JINR for 2009, draft contributions of the Member States for 2010, and budget forecast till 2015 V. Katrasev, G. Shirkov Directorate’s proposals towards optimization of the JINR infrastructure
Current scientific programme CP Session (November 2008) DECISIONS Current scientific programme The Committee of Plenipotentiaries: approved the recommendations of the 104th session of the Scientific Council and the JINR Topical Plan of Research and International Cooperation for 2009. noted with satisfaction the successful implementation of the Scientific Council’s recommendations concerning the scientific programme of JINR, the upgrade of the basic facilities, and the construction of new facilities.
Future Scientific Programme CP Session (November 2008) DECISIONS Future Scientific Programme The CP approved the main directions of the Institute’s strategic development, presented in the report by Director A. Sissakian. The Committee regards as important and timely the decision of the JINR Directorate to prepare a plan for the development of JINR for the years 2010–2016. The main emphasis in the seven-year plan should be placed on the future development of the in-house facility base for fundamental scientific research. The CP commissioned the JINR Directorate to elaborate the new seven-year plan and submit it for approval in November 2009. The first draft of this plan should be considered by the CP in March 2009. The CP accepted the budget forecast of JINR till the year 2015, presented by the Directorate at the session, as a basis for preparing the Plan for the Development of JINR for 2010– 2016.
CP Session (November 2008) DECISIONS Financial issues The CP reiterated its previous decision to address the governments of the Member States with a proposal to make provisions for an increase of the JINR budget in 2011–2015 (tentatively 2.5 times by the year 2015 relative to the level of the year 2010) with a view to creating an in-house facility base attractive to the Member States and the world scientific community.
CP Session (November 2008) DECISIONS Financial issues The Committee of Plenipotentiaries: approved the JINR budget for the year 2009 with the total expenditure amounting to 68.71 M$. From Member States: 65.95 M$. determined the volume of the JINR budget in income and expenditure for the year 2010 amounting to 83.92 M$. determined the provisional volume of the JINR budget in income and expenditure for the year 2011 amounting to 99.66 M$ and for the year 2012 amounting to 117.70 M$. adopted the provisional payments of the Member States: 81.16 M$ in 2010, 96.89 M$ in 2011, and 114.94 M$ in 2012.
Optimization of the JINR infrastructure CP Session (November 2008) DECISIONS Optimization of the JINR infrastructure The CP agreed to the proposals by the JINR Directorate concerning the sale of five objects of infrastructure, mostly of social nature, located outside the JINR Laboratories. The CP approved the Directorate’s plans for the construction of a Congress Centre, based on the Rest Home “Ratmino” in Dubna. The Directorate is requested to prepare the schedule, propose the sources of funding the project of the Congress Cenre construction and to present it for consideration by the CP in March 2009. The CP allowed JINR to take part in the establishment of the limited liability company “Generatsiya” with the purpose of improving the reliability of the power supply system of the JINR basic facilities and of reducing electricity consumption costs.
International cooperation CP Session (November 2008) DECISIONS International cooperation The CP approved the text of the Agreement on Scientific Cooperation between JINR and the Government of the Arab Republic of Egypt. (JINR would like to develop future cooperation with this country based on associate membership). The CP further encouraged the JINR Directorate to continue efforts leading to conclusion of government- level agreements with the countries with which JINR has established productive scientific and technological cooperation, with a view to providing additional financial support for partnership programmes.
ACTION PLAN for the Preparation of the Plan for the Development of JINR for the years 2010 - 2016 1.The Working Group, by 1 December 2008, is commissioned to prepare the following materials for inclusion in the 7-Year Plan: 1.1 Budget forecast of JINR for the corresponding period 1.2 Summary and schedule of realization of the scientific programme, outlined in the JINR road map, in accordance with the budget forecast 1.3 Directions and stages of realization of the manpower and social policies 1.4 Educational programme for the corresponding period 1.5 Innovation programme 1.6 Programme towards improvement of the science organization work 1.7 Programme for the development of the engineering infrastructure
ACTION PLAN for the Preparation of the Plan for the Development of JINR for the years 2010 - 2016 2. The Working Group, by 1 January 2009, is commissioned to prepare a Draft of the 7-Year Plan and organize its discussion at Science and Technology Councils of the Laboratories and of JINR. Further, to prepare materials for discussion of the Draft at January meetings of the PACs, at the February session of the Scientific Council, and at the March sessions of the Finance Committee and Committee of Plenipotentiaries. 3. The final version of the Seven-Year Plan for the Development of JINR, with account of the received suggestions and recommendations, should be prepared by 1 August 2009 for publication and approval at the September session of the Scientific Council and the subsequent session of the Committee of Plenipotentiaries.
Thank you for your attention!