Instruction to find notes: MCPSS Our Schools Middle Causey Website News and Events School Staff Chapman Forms Geo 1 Notes Download Contact Info: tchapman@mcpss.cpm
Geo 7 - 1
Geo 7 – 1 Enter room, and take assigned seat quietly Geo 7 – 1 Enter room, and take assigned seat quietly. Put your name, date, and period on the top right-hand side of a piece of paper. Do NOT write in red. At the end of the period, turn your paper into tray #1 on your way out of the room. Fact from each story on CNN. Number each fact.
Geo 7 – 1 Enter room, and take assigned seat quietly Geo 7 – 1 Enter room, and take assigned seat quietly. Put your name, date, and period on the top right-hand side of a piece of paper. Do NOT write in red. At the end of the period, turn your paper into tray #1 on your way out of the room. Fact from each story on CNN. Number each fact.
In South America, the Andes Mountains and Amazon River Basin are known for their extreme climates.
The Amazon Basin is the largest river basin in the world, it stretches nearly the entire width of South America, and
the climate is hot and humid over most of the Amazon River Basin the climate is hot and humid over most of the Amazon River Basin. Diverse plant and animals.
The Andes Mountains stretch for many miles along the western side of South America.
Cold, with little rainfall best describes the climate found in the highest elevations of the Andes Mountains.
Mt. Aconcagua 22,837 Feet above Sea Level
Northern Grasslands have warm climates both high and low elevations and not much vegetation.
The Southern Plains have a mild climate, low elevation and Argentina’s Papas is a grassy plain with rich soil.
People in South America are most likely to live in warm, low places with some rainfall.
South American Elevations Zones
Tierra Helada elevation 12000 – 15000 ft Tierra Helada elevation 12000 – 15000 ft. frozen land little rainfall no crops.
Tierra Fria 6000 – 12000 ft. temperatures are cool with some rain, grow wheat potatoes barley.
Tierra Templada elevation 2500 – 6000 ft Tierra Templada elevation 2500 – 6000 ft. warn temperatures adequate rain, corn, beans, wheat, cattle, vegetables
Tierra Caliente 0 – 2500 ft. temperatures are hot adequate to extreme rainfall, bananas, peppers, sugarcane, vegetables.
In subsistence farming people grow only enough food to feed their own families.
The Amazon River supports life in a vast rain forest.
Smaller rivers that drain into a larger river are called tributaries.
Melting snow contributes to the rich soils found in the lowland forests.
Rich nutrients deposited by floodwaters helps support biodiversity in the rain forest of the Amazon Basin.
Thousands of plants and animal species and millions of insect’s species live there.
The Amazon Basin includes the world’s largest tropical rain forest.
Growing populations threatens rain forest lands.
Rain Shadow a dry region on one side of a mountain.
Pacific Ocean Coast Peru, Chile, Columbia and Ecuador. Cool and Dry
Atlantic Coast Brazil, Uruguay, Argentina warm and humid, Brazil Falkland North Equatorial Currents.
The Atacama Desert was created by the Andes Mountains preventing moist winds from reaching the coast of Chile.
Atacama Desert
During an El Niño wind and ocean currents reverse their usual direction,
this can cause flooding that damages bridges, roads, crops, and homes.
Plants and trees release water vapor, during the process known as transpiration and
naturally absorb greenhouse gases (gases trap heat energy, causing the Earth to warm)
caused by the burning of fossil fuels caused by the burning of fossil fuels. In the process, they help clean the air.
Warm moist soil make it easy to for many types of plants to grow.
Trees grow so high and thick that sometimes sunlight does not reach the forest floor. Canopy
Rain forests are being destroyed it is a challenge countries in both South America and Africa face.
Less greenhouse gas is removed from the air is one effect of deforestation in the Amazon rain forest.
Climate change is the gradual shift in Earth’s climate due to natural causes.
Global warming is the rapid warming of the Earth’s surface some scientists have observed over the last century.
Independent Practice Geo Chapter 7 Lesson 1 Write answers in complete sentences. If you do not answer last question, you will receive a zero.
1. Describe the Amazon-Basin. 191
2. Describe the climate found in the highest elevations of the Andes Mountains. 191
3. What are tributaries? 191
4. Name a major threat to the rain forest lands. 194
5. What created the Atacama-Desert? 196
6. Describe an El-Niño. 197
7. Describe Transpiration. 198
8. Describe one effect of deforestation in the Amazon rain forest. 198
9. Describe Climate change. 199
10. Describe Global warming. 199
1. Less greenhouse gas is removed from the air, these gases trap heat energy, causing the Earth to warm. 2. wind and ocean currents reverse their usual direction, cause flooding that damages bridges, roads, crops, and homes 3. Andes Mountains preventing moist winds from reaching the coast of Chile 4. Growing populations 5. climate is hot and humid, stretches nearly the entire width of South America 6. Smaller rivers that drain into a larger river 7. Plants and trees release water vapor 8. Cold, with little rainfall 9. gradual shift in Earth’s climate due to natural causes 10. rapid warming of the Earth’s surface some scientists have observed over the last century 11. 12.
Geo 8 - 1
Geo 8 – 1 Enter room, and take assigned seat quietly Geo 8 – 1 Enter room, and take assigned seat quietly. Put your name, date, and period on the top right-hand side of a piece of paper. Do NOT write in red. At the end of the period, turn your paper into tray #1 on your way out of the room. Fact from each story on CNN. Number each fact.
Geo 8 – 1 Enter room, and take assigned seat quietly Geo 8 – 1 Enter room, and take assigned seat quietly. Put your name, date, and period on the top right-hand side of a piece of paper. Do NOT write in red. At the end of the period, turn your paper into tray #1 on your way out of the room. Fact from each story on CNN. Number each fact.
South America, those who have a blend of European and Indian ancestry are called the mestizo.
South American indigenous groups today are the descendants of ancient cultures.
The Mundurukú live in Brazil, farmed, hunted and fished in the Amazon Rain Forest, sell latex in exchange for goods to adapt to the modern world
South American indigenous groups
Aymara herding llamas and alpacas is an ancient tradition still practiced, they grew potatoes and quinoa. Live in Andes and speak Aymara.
Many Paraguayans have both Guarani and Spanish ancestors,
their culture is represented in Paraguayan culture folk art and language.
Quechua lived in isolated villages in the Andes of Ecuador Peru and Bolivia
catholic and native beliefs, traditions includes weaving baskets.
Portuguese and Spanish are European Romance languages, the two most widely spoken languages in South America.
Creole language that results when two other languages are combined European/Indigenous, Blend, Atlantic and Caribbean Coast.
Quechua Indigenous Quechua/ Aymara Peru
One reason there are so many languages spoken in South America is the large number of indigenous cultural groups.
Topography is one reason that so many indigenous languages have survived in South America.
The mountain ranges and rain forest in South America have kept indigenous languages isolated from languages of European colonizers.
Creole is used to describe a language that is a blend of two different languages.
Schools in South America
Futbol (soccer) is a popular sport.
Christianity became the main religion during the colonial period.
Most Protestants live in Chile and the Guianas and in parts of Brazil, Bolivia, and Ecuador.
All countries in South America provide religious teaching.
Beef makes up a large portion of the diet in countries that have large stretches of grassy plains. Uruguay and Argentina.
Mountains of Peru llamas potatoes quinoa
Coastal cuisine of Chile includes paila marina
Brazil diet: black beans rice vegetables.
Coup An illegal takeover of the government.
Independent Practice Geo Chapter 8 Lesson 1 Write answers in complete sentences. If you do not answer last question, you will receive a zero.
1. What happened to the South American ancient cultures? 216
2. Describe Creole. 218
3. What is a mestizo in South America? 216
4. What native group sells latex in exchange for goods to adapt to the modern world? 217
5. What ancient tradition is still practiced by certain indigenous people? 217
6. Describe one reason that so many indigenous languages have survived in South America. 218
7. What religion is practiced by about 80 percent of South Americans today? 220
8. Describe one problem facing students in rural areas. 220
9. What makes up a large portion of the diet in countries that have large stretches of grassy plains? 221
10. Describe coup. 220
1. indigenous groups today are the descendants 2. a language that is a blend of two different languages 3. a blend of European and Indian ancestry 4. Mundurukú 5. Herding llamas and alpacas 6. Topography 7. Catholicism 8. Rural areas sometimes have fewer schools 9. Beef 10. military officers take over a government 11. 12.
Geo 8-3
Geo 8 – 3 Enter room, and take assigned seat quietly Geo 8 – 3 Enter room, and take assigned seat quietly. Put your name, date, and period on the top right-hand side of a piece of paper. Do NOT write in red. At the end of the period, turn your paper into tray #1 on your way out of the room. Fact from each story on CNN. Number each fact.
Geo 8 – 3 Enter room, and take assigned seat quietly Geo 8 – 3 Enter room, and take assigned seat quietly. Put your name, date, and period on the top right-hand side of a piece of paper. Do NOT write in red. At the end of the period, turn your paper into tray #1 on your way out of the room. Fact from each story on CNN. Number each fact.
The forests of Brazil play an important role in the paper industry.
Brazil consumes more beef than the United States.
Biofuels such as ethanol are made from agricultural products, which can be replaced by growing more crops, this makes it a renewable sources of energy.
Sugarcane has helped Brazil become an important producer of ethanol.
Steel is a major industry in Brazil.
Brazil is one of the world’s top producers of iron ore, bauxite, gold, copper and diamonds.
Rapid population growth leads to the spread of slums in cities such as São Paulo.
Brazil is the leading world producer of coffee (1/3 world supply).
In the 1800s, the coffee industry led to the growth of the city of São Paulo.
São Paulo founded by Portuguese in 1554.
Gold was discovered in São Paulo in the late 1600s
During colonial days, Brazil produced close to one-half of the world’s supply of gold.
Coffee becomes a significant product. In the 1800’sSão Paulo.
In the 1800s, the coffee industry led to the growth of the city of São Paulo.
Population of Sao Paulo grows in late 1800’s.
Manufacturing and takes hold in Sao Paulo in the 1900’s.
Late 1900’s Sao Paulo becomes Megacity population swells to 10,000,000.
By 2010 Sao Paulo’s population swells to 20,000,000.
The 2016 Olympic Games in Rio de Janeiro will have historic importance because the Olympic Games have never been held in a South American country before.
The Brazilian government hopes that the 2016 Olympics will create new jobs.
The city plans to tear down and rebuild many buildings for the 2016 Olympics this will help the slums of Rio de Janeiro.
The building of the Olympic Village and other structures will create jobs is one benefit of hosting the Olympic games.
Independent Practice Geo Chapter 8 Lesson 3 Write answers in complete sentences. If you do not answer last question, you will receive a zero.
1. What city plans will help the slums of Rio de Janeiro? 234
2. Describe Brazils consumption of Beef. 230
3. Why will the 2016 Olympic Games in Rio de Janeiro have historic importance? 234
4. What has led to the spread of slums in cities such as São Paulo? 233
5. What led to the growth of the city of São Paulo? 233
6. What has helped Brazil become an important producer of ethanol? 231
7. Why does Brazil play an important role in the paper industry? 230
8. What was discovered in São Paulo in the late 1600s. 231
1. tear down and rebuild many buildings for the 2016 Olympics 2. more beef than the United States 3. the Olympic Games have never been held in a South American country before 4. Rapid population growth 5. 1800s, the coffee industry 6. Sugarcane 7. The forests 8. Gold 9. 10. 11. 12.
Geo 7 & 8 Map
Geo 7 & 8 - Map Enter room, and take assigned seat quietly Geo 7 & 8 - Map Enter room, and take assigned seat quietly. At the end of the period, turn your paper into tray #1 as you exit the room. No CNN facts
Geo 7 & 8 - Map Enter room, and take assigned seat quietly Geo 7 & 8 - Map Enter room, and take assigned seat quietly. At the end of the period, turn your paper into tray #1 as you exit the room. No CNN facts
Geo Map 7 & 8 Create and color a map of South America include: Countries Ecuador, Colombia, Venezuela, Guyana, Brazil, Peru, Bolivia, Paraguay, Uruguay, Argentina and Chile (189 no countries that touch can be the same color). Andes (190), Amazon River and Basin (194), Atacama Desert (197), Pampas (225), Rio de Janeiro and Sao Paulo (189).
Writing (Labels)= 30 Points (at least an inch) Map (Picture) = 50 Points Entire Page = 10 Points Color = 10 Points
Geo 7 & 8 Test
Geo 7 & 8 – Test Enter room, and take assigned seat quietly Geo 7 & 8 – Test Enter room, and take assigned seat quietly. Put your name, date, and period on the top right-hand side of a piece of paper. Do NOT write in red. At the end of the period, turn your test into Tray #2 and your answers in Tray #1.
Geo 7 & 8 – Test Enter room, and take assigned seat quietly Geo 7 & 8 – Test Enter room, and take assigned seat quietly. Put your name, date, and period on the top right-hand side of a piece of paper. Do NOT write in red. At the end of the period, turn your test into Tray #2 and your answers in Tray #1.
1. 15. Name 2. 16. Date 3. 17. Period 4. 18. Geo 7 & 8 Test 5. 19. 6. 20. 7. 21. 8. 22. 9. 23. 10. 24. 11. 25. 12. 26. 13. 27. 14. 28. Essay 29. Essay
Geo 7 & 8 – Video
Fact from each story on CNN Geo 7 & 8 – Video Enter room, and take assigned seat quietly. Put your name, date, and period on the top right-hand side of a piece of paper. Do NOT write in red. At the end of the period, turn your paper into Tray #1 as you exit the room. Fact from each story on CNN 10 Facts from each Video Number each fact
Fact from each story on CNN Geo 7 & 8 – Video Enter room, and take assigned seat quietly. Put your name, date, and period on the top right-hand side of a piece of paper. Do NOT write in red. At the end of the period, turn your paper into Tray #1 as you exit the room. Fact from each story on CNN 10 Facts from each Video Number each fact
Instruction to find notes: MCPSS Our Schools Middle Causey Website News and Events School Staff Chapman Forms Geo 1 Notes Download Contact Info: tchapman@mcpss.cpm
Geo Chapter 7 Lesson 1 Independent Practice Write answers in complete sentences. 1. Describe one effect of deforestation in the Amazon rain forest. 198 2. Describe an El-Niño. 197 3. What created the Atacama-Desert? 196 4. Name a major threat to the rain forest lands. 194 5. Describe the Amazon-Basin. 191 6. What are tributaries? 191 7. Describe Transpiration. 198 8. Describe the climate found in the highest elevations of the Andes Mountains. 191 9. Describe Climate change. 199 10. Describe Global warming. 199 Geo Chapter 8 Lesson 1 Independent Practice Write answers in complete sentences. 1. What happened to the South American ancient cultures? 216 2. Describe Creole. 218 3. What is a mestizo in South America? 216 4. What native group sells latex in exchange for goods to adapt to the modern world? 217 5. What ancient tradition is still practiced by certain indigenous people? 217 6. Describe one reason that so many indigenous languages have survived in South America. 218 7. What religion is practiced by about 80 percent of South Americans today? 220 8. Describe one problem facing students in rural areas. 220 9. What makes up a large portion of the diet in countries that have large stretches of grassy plains? 221 10. Describe coup. 220 Geo Chapter 8 Lesson 3 Independent Practice Write answers in complete sentences. 1. What city plans will help the slums of Rio de Janeiro? 234 2. Describe Brazils consumption of Beef. 230 3. Why will the 2016 Olympic Games in Rio de Janeiro have historic importance? 234 4. What has led to the spread of slums in cities such as São Paulo? 233 5. What led to the growth of the city of São Paulo? 233 6. What has helped Brazil become an important producer of ethanol? 231 7. Why does Brazil play an important role in the paper industry? 230 8. What was discovered in São Paulo in the late 1600s. 231 Geo Map 7 & 8 Create and color a map of South America include: Countries Ecuador, Colombia, Venezuela, Guyana, Brazil, Peru, Bolivia, Paraguay, Uruguay, Argentina and Chile (189 no countries that touch can be the same color). Andes (190), Amazon River and Basin (194), Atacama Desert (197), Pampas (225), Rio de Janeiro and Sao Paulo (189).