National Honor Society 2011-2012 “Make sure we have your NHS application” Look at your name, if it’s highlighted then we have yours…
Officers President/Webmaster- Chris Truelove Vice President- Oksana Beregovsky Secretary- Emilee Bates Treasurer-Elishava Saunders Media Rep- Angel Crawford Community Service Leader- Matt Fetner
Deadline Items Dues need to be paid by October 18, 2011. $10.00 “If you did not pay $10.00 in the spring then you pay $20.00”
Why do we have to pay? For us to be an active National Honor Society we have to pay $90.00 per year to Main branch. Some more of it goes to help offset the cost of the field trip. If there is any left then it goes to help the charity of our choice.
Goals Signs in the hallway. NHS Convention. Clothing drive. Can food drive. Thoughts on box tops.
IDEAS Fundraisers. T- Shirts How much to donate. Who to donate the money to this year. Community service thoughts.
Next Meeting October 18,2011