CCHS National Honor Society September 1, 2016 Meeting Please sign in! Write your initials on the correct row under the correct date. with your Turn in your summer hour sheets to the bin.
Oath I pledge myself to uphold the high purposes of the National Honor Society to which I have been selected; I will be true to the principles for which it stands; I will be loyal to my school; and will maintain and encourage high standards of scholarship, service, leadership, and character.
Mrs. Lambrecht - Science Linam NHS Faculty Sponsors Introduction: Mrs. Lambrecht - Science Linam
Permission to drug Screen Lambrecht/Linam Permission to drug Screen
Changes to the Bylaws Each member is required to participate in at least 1 of the 2 scheduled group community service projects per semester. Hours earned in the group project will be counted towards the number of required volunteer hours each semester. Failure to participate in 1 group semester project is grounds for termination. Students may have no more than 1 unexcused meeting absence in the fall semester and 2 unexcused in the spring semester. Community Service Chair is nominated and voted upon by the NHS sponsors and board. GPAs will be checked every semester. If a member is below GPA expectations, he/she has the fall semester to bring the GPA back up above a 90. If the GPA does not meet the standard when the fall semesters GPAs are ran, the student’s membership will be terminated.
Volunteer Hours Number of hours per semester have not changed. Hours earned through participation of Group Projects now counts towards the total number of hours. There are two pre-determined Group Service Projects per semester, participation in at least one is required. Fall Group Service Projects Fall Festivals at BBE, CCE, and RRE (time/date TBD) Burning Pines Run on September 10 Spring Group Service Projects Spring Fling at BBE, CCE, and RRE (time/date TBD) Illumination Half Marathon @ Hyatt on March 5th
BURNING PINES RUN 1 of 2 group service projects for fall semester September 10th 5:30 am- 10:30 am At Bastrop State Park MUST REGISTER WITH KIRSTEN (Red) BY MONDAY 9/5!!! See Kirsten Watson for more information!
Volunteer Opportunities Spa Girl Triathlon @ Hyatt Relay for Life (spring) Homecoming Week Veterans Car Show--November 11th & 12th Field Day (pending) (spring) Reforestation of Bastrop State Park in January RRE fall festival November 4th, a Friday, from 5-7pm.* CCE 9/23 PTA Family Movie Night 5:30pm CCE 10/28 Family Pumpkin Walk 5pm-8pm."* *all in pink are the known dates of group community service projects
Voting matter, Veteran's Day Do we want to create goodie bags to send to the Veterans home for Veteran’s Day?
T-Shirts Pre-Order only Money due by October 6th If we have 50 people order the price will be $10.30 each Price will increase if less people order, and vice versa
Meeting Schedule Meetings Are Mandatory (either mornings at 8:05 or afternoon sessions at 4:15) September 1st-- Summer Hours Due October 6th November 3rd December 1st January 5th-- Fall Hours Due February 2nd March 2nd April 6th (Spring Hours Due the 28th) May TBD (due to testing)
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