CLASSROOM EXPECTATIONS SPEECH 1 Mrs. Brittany Boos GRADING POLICY STPSB grading scale 80% Tests, Quizzes, Classwork, Projects, Speeches 20% Exam SUPPLY LIST Binder with 3 dividers for bell-work, classwork, speeches Pencils, Pens, Highlighter, flash drive, index cards (5x7), dry erase markers Class period supply: _____________________________________ CLASSROOM EXPECTATIONS On time, on task, & prepared to learn Respect the teacher, classroom, other students, and yourself Be responsible for your learning Keep all electronics OUT OF SIGHT Adhere to SHS and classroom policies 2017-2018 EXTRA INFORMATION Late work: Speeches and Projects 1st day -10% 2nd day -25% 3rd day -50% Passes: Three bathroom passes are given per 9 weeks GETTING HELP At school tutoring: Mu Alpha Theta Tuesday mornings at 8:00 in room 518 National Honor Society Friday mornings at 7:45 in room 505 If you are absent: Get handouts Make up classwork and bell-work within the amount of days absent You have ONE WEEK to make up a test Student Signature:__________________ Parent Signature: ___________________