ECO Committee Eco-committee is a group of children who have volunteered from year 4 to 6. They try to make our school and the environment a better place. They help our school by encouraging other children and even adults in the school to be more eco-friendly. We believe that eco-committee can play a huge role in inspiring suitable living- in their school and in their wider community.
Goldstone Primary School are trying to get the green flag ECO! You can make a difference, just reuse, reduce, recycle!
Here are some pictures of our first waste audit BHee came in to our school to reduce our rubbish waste. Here we are weighing the amount of rubbish from the lunch hall rubbish bin! Here we are sorting out the rubbish to the correct materials . (we put gloves on)
Look at the waste What a waste We encouraged people to reduce their waste. If you don’t want it now, save it for later!
WOW! Look at all that wasted plastic! Roughly 143 pieces of plastic, 15 paper, 50 pieces of other, 40 pieces of cardboard and 19 pieces of metal! So what did eco committee do about it? We sent a message to the school, and what was it? “CUT DOWN ON WASTE!”
We hope to get a green flag in a few months. We have planned to help our school by : Display Posters Adverts Assemblies Power Points That's how we help our school We hope to get a green flag in a few months.