If I were an animal, I would be…
If I were an animal, I would like to be a bird, because birds can learn our world in a completely different way than humans. I could fly in the sky and could see different countries and travel quickly from place to place. Birds seem not to worry about any problems and we think they are free animals. I think that many people may say that they want to be birds because of that reason. Today, we must struggle with life’s hardships and being a bird might be a great way-out. In my opinion, they are the best animals in the world! Karolina P.
Dolphins are friendly mammals and they get on with people. … I would be a dolphin. I would swim in the oceans and certainly I would get to know other animals. I would live at the bottom of seas. I would be one of the most intelligent animals and I wouldn’t be afraid of writing tests or exams because I wouldn’t go to school. Dolphins are friendly mammals and they get on with people. Zuzanna krygier
If I were an animal... If I were an animal, I would be a chameleon. I have always been interested in this animal as I think it is really exciting. Chameleons have got many interesting features, for example: they can change colours or they can see everything around themselves (without turning head). More, chameleons are really small, I mean they measure from 2,5cm to 60cm tall and they are really slim and weightless- up to only 1 kg. Generally, they are beautiful and sweet. Gosia Z.
If I were an animal I’d be a dog If I were an animal, I would be a Golden Retriever. The reason is that they are cute and they help people. They are also playful and a good company. They help find bodies in a disaster and help disabled folks in their homes. I could also be a domestic dog. I would have fun with my owner and his/her family…. Karolina K.
If I were an animal, I would be a butterfly If I were an animal, I would be a butterfly. Butterfly is associated with happiness. They are beautiful and colourful. When I see a butterfly, I always feel joyness. Butterfly can fly in the fields, meadows, among flowers. They can see the world, people from the above. I think a butterfly can be referred as a symbol of freedom or spring. Patrycja I.
If I were an animal I'd be a malicious beaver If I were an animal I'd be a malicious beaver. I'll build a dam on the river and I'll look at the people who want to remove this. Probably they'll be very nervous. I'll sit in my den, laugh a lot and think what other tricks I must do. I'll be very proud of my work, but unfortunately people won't appreciate it. Magda Czajka 2-2
If I were an animal, I would be a dolphin If I were an animal, I would be a dolphin. Dolphins are organized and very intelligent mammals. Dolphins are trained to do tricks at dolphinariums. Sometimes it happens that they help other dolphins, for example, when they are wounded or sick. Dolphins can also help humans. Dolphin’s intelligence equals to 4-5 and it is higher than the chimpanzee’s. The intelligence of human amounts 7 and the chimpanzee is 2.5. Ewelina B.
If I were an animal, I would like to be a dog If I were an animal, I would like to be a dog! Many people love these pets. We all know they are very loyal, obedient, they always wait for their owners. Some dogs like doing tricks, sometimes very pointless, it is so funny then. Dogs are a good company and they are the best friends for humans. They are always happy when they see us. I think dogs are the best animals in the world! Angelika M.
If I were an animal, I would be a tiger If I were an animal, I would be a tiger. The reason is that tigers are very strong and big animals. They have very colourful coat and wild face. They are lively and can be very fast. Another reason is that they live in Africa- such a beautiful and exotic part of the world. Aleksandra A.
If I were an animal for one day I'd like to be a bird If I were an animal for one day I'd like to be a bird. Birds are one of the most free and independent animals in the world. They always seem to do what they want. They can fly wherever they want and they have no limits. I could fly high in the sky and look down admiring the beauty of everything on the earth. I'd like to be a bird also because they're very tutelary. They know how to take care of their babies and they're very good parents. Paulina P.
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