Average histograms of hemoglobin oxygen saturation in the control and ischemic footpads show the distribution of hemoglobin saturation over all pixels within the regions of interest (ROIs) of all n = 15 animals. Average histograms of hemoglobin oxygen saturation in the control and ischemic footpads show the distribution of hemoglobin saturation over all pixels within the regions of interest (ROIs) of all n = 15 animals. Histograms of hemoglobin saturation were generated from all pixels within the control and ischemic footpads and normalized to the ROI pixel area at day 0 (A), day 7 (B), day 14 (C), and day 21 (D) postsurgery. The distribution of hemoglobin saturation values is shifted toward 0 in the early time points for the ischemic footpad. This is followed by shifting of the peak to overlap with the control footpad data by day 14. The variance of hemoglobin saturation values within each footpad (average of n = 15 animals) is indicated by s2 above each histogram. The variance of the ischemic footpad differed significantly from that of the control footpad at days 0, 7, and 14. *P < 0.05 and ***P < 0.001 as determined with a Wilcoxon Signed-Rank test with respect to the corresponding control measurement. Kristin M. Poole et al. Am J Physiol Heart Circ Physiol 2013;305:H1168-H1180 ©2013 by American Physiological Society