What is the Psychology of Body Language?
Conscious Body Language
Conscious Body Language
Unconscious Body Language
Unconscious Body Language
Psychological Profiling Take a look at how this psychologist analyzes a person.
Why Does Body Language Matter?
Personal Relationships
Professional and business endeavors
Putting Knowledge of Body Language to Work When you possess knowledge about body language, such as how to use it and how to understand it, you can put that knowledge to work throughout your daily life. Some typical examples might include: Body Language Interpretation Biting nails Nervous, Insecure Rubbing the eyes Disbelief, Doubt Drumming fingers Restlessness or Impatience Rubbing the bridge of the nose Uncertain, Rejection Steepling fingers Display of Authority, Influence Resting the head on the palms Boredom, Despair Rubbing both hands Anticipation, Impatience Hands on the hips Aggression, Authoritative Resting the cheek on the hand Thinking, Evaluating Brisk walking Exudes confidence Folded arms across the chest Disagreement Kicking your foot while walking or sitting Signs of boredom Eyes downcast Guilty, Boredom Leaning forward Displaying Interest
The Body Language of Teens!
Testing, Learning, and Attempted Independence
Common Body Language of Teenagers
Poor eye contact
Just hanging around
How to Recognize Negative Body Language Check out the greatest freak out ever in the videos folder!
What is Negative Body Language?
How Mood Affects Negative Body Language
Body Language Conveys Truthfulness or Deceit
Body Language Influences the Length and Type of Personal Interaction
How does this happen?
Body Language Communicates When Words Can’t
Body Language Communicates When Words Can’t
The Eyes: How Much Do They Tell Us?
The Eyes
The Eyes Lets go back to Mark McGuires Testimony
The Eyes Lets go back to Mark McGuire admitting to steroids.
The Eyes
The Eyes
The Eyes
How much did we really learn?