Figure 1. Variable region amino acid sequences of TPO-reactive Fab heavy chains. The putative most homologous germline sequence is shown in full, with amino acid mismatches of Fab heavy chains indicated. CDR regions are shown in bold type. Alignments are shown for V<sub>H</sub>1 heavy chains (a) and V<sub>H</sub>3 heavy chains (b). Germline V regions are from Ref. 17, except DP-58 (19). The following have identical V region amino acid sequences; 126TO3H (shown), 7H, and 14H; 126BH (shown), IH, 126TO9H, and 126TP7H; 126TP10H (shown) and 15H; and 131TP2H (shown), 6H, 11H, and 15H. Analysis of Immunoglobulin Gκ Antithyroid Peroxidase Antibodies from Different Tissues in Hashimoto’s Thyroiditis1 J Clin Endocrinol Metab. 1997;82(11):3818-3825. doi:10.1210/jcem.82.11.4348 J Clin Endocrinol Metab | Copyright © 1997 by The Endocrine Society
Figure 2. Junction region amino acid sequences of TPO-reactive Fab heavy chains. The putative most homologous germline D and J sequences are shown in full, with amino acid mismatches of TPO-reactive Fab heavy chains indicated. CDR regions are shown in bold type. Alignments are shown for V<sub>H</sub>1 heavy chains (a) and V<sub>H</sub>3 heavy chains (b). Germline D regions are from D21–10 (20), D5/D5a (21), DK1 (22), and D3 and D2 (23). Germline J regions are from Ref. 24. The following have identical D/J region amino acid sequences; 126TO3H (shown), 7H, and 14H; 126TO1H (shown) and 126TP13H; 126AH (shown) and GH; 126BH (shown), IH, and 126TP10H; and 131TP2H (shown), 5H, 6H, 7H, 8H, 11H, and 15H. Analysis of Immunoglobulin Gκ Antithyroid Peroxidase Antibodies from Different Tissues in Hashimoto’s Thyroiditis1 J Clin Endocrinol Metab. 1997;82(11):3818-3825. doi:10.1210/jcem.82.11.4348 J Clin Endocrinol Metab | Copyright © 1997 by The Endocrine Society
Figure 3. Variable region amino acid sequences of TPO-reactive Fab κ-chains. The putative most homologous germline sequence is shown in full, with amino acid mismatches of Fab κ-chains indicated. CDR regions are shown in bold type. Alignments are shown for V<sub>κ</sub>1 κ-chains (a) and V<sub>κ</sub>3 κ-chains. Germline variable regions are from Ref. 18, except K9 (25). The following have identical V region amino acid sequences; 126TP5K (shown), 9K, and 14K; 126TO2K (shown), 3K, 7K, and 14K; 126TO1K (shown), 126TP15K, 131TP2K, and 11K; 131TP5K (shown), 7K, 8K, and 15K; 126CK (shown) and FK; 126AK (shown), BK, IK, JK, and 126TP1K; and 126TP8K (shown) and 10K. Analysis of Immunoglobulin Gκ Antithyroid Peroxidase Antibodies from Different Tissues in Hashimoto’s Thyroiditis1 J Clin Endocrinol Metab. 1997;82(11):3818-3825. doi:10.1210/jcem.82.11.4348 J Clin Endocrinol Metab | Copyright © 1997 by The Endocrine Society
Figure 4. Junction region amino acid sequences of TPO-reactive Fab κ-chains. The putative most homologous germline J sequence is shown in full, with amino acid mismatches of TPO-reactive Fab κ-chains indicated. CDR regions are shown in bold type. Germline J regions are from Ref. 26. The following have identical J region amino acid sequences; 131TP5K (shown), 7K, 8K, and 15K; 131TP2K (shown), 6K, and 11K; 126AK (shown), BK, CK, DK, FK, HK, IK, JK, 126TP1K, 6K, 7K, 8K, 10K, 13K, 15K, and 126TO10K; 126TO2K (shown), 3K, 7K, 14K, 126TP5K, 9K, and 14K; and 126GK (shown) and 126TO8K. Analysis of Immunoglobulin Gκ Antithyroid Peroxidase Antibodies from Different Tissues in Hashimoto’s Thyroiditis1 J Clin Endocrinol Metab. 1997;82(11):3818-3825. doi:10.1210/jcem.82.11.4348 J Clin Endocrinol Metab | Copyright © 1997 by The Endocrine Society
Figure 5. Inhibition of TPO Ab binding from the serum of five patients with HT by TPO-reactive Fab. TPO Ab binding was determined in the presence of no Fab, a single Fab, or two Fab. Examples are shown from HT126 serum (Fab1 = 126B, Fab2 = 126TP13), serum 1 (Fab1 = 126TO10, Fab2 = 131TP2), serum 2 (Fab1 = 126TO10, Fab2 = 131TP7), serum 3 (Fab1 = 126B, Fab2 = 131TP2), and serum 4 (Fab1 = 126B, Fab2 = 131TP15). Analysis of Immunoglobulin Gκ Antithyroid Peroxidase Antibodies from Different Tissues in Hashimoto’s Thyroiditis1 J Clin Endocrinol Metab. 1997;82(11):3818-3825. doi:10.1210/jcem.82.11.4348 J Clin Endocrinol Metab | Copyright © 1997 by The Endocrine Society