Main themes of Portuguese Presidency ► Life Long Learning Strategies: the open method beyond 2010 ► Recognition, validation and certification of non-formal and informal learning: systems and experiences ► European Qualifications Framework ► Teacher´s professional development ► Challenges schools are facing up to nowadays regarding Lisbon Strategy and the Programme “Education & Training 2010” ► European Employment Strategy: results after 10 years ► Fexicurity ► Social inclusion ► Reconciliation between work, family and personal life ► Gender Equality and Gender Mainstreaming
Agenda for Education Council ► Recommendation on Quality of Theachers and Trainers Education ► Communication on Evidence Based Policy Making on the Field of Education and Training ► The Eramus Mundus: measure on LL Programme ► Lisbon Strategy 2008-2010: new guidelines
DGVT Meeting 24th/25th September 2007 Focus on: ► Reform of VET system in Portugal: contributions for Lisbon Strategy ► Pathways for VET beyond 2010
MEETINGS AND CONFERENCES ► 27 and 28 June, Lisbon HLG on Education and Training Policies in the EU ► 5 and 6 July, Guimarães Informal Meeting of Troika Ministers of Employment and Social Policy with the participation of the Social Partners ► 12 and 13 July, Estoril Conference on Reconciliation between work, family and personal life and the challenges for the social partners and public authorities ► 13 and 14 September, Lisbon Conference on Flexicurity ► 20 and 21 September, Lisbon ETF Meeting – From teaching to learning, towards competence recognition and validation: ideals and reality ► 27 and 28 September, Lisbon Conference on Teacher´s Professional Development for the Quality and Equity of LLL
MEETINGS AND CONFERENCES ► 8 and 9 October, Lisbon Conference on the European Employment Strategy ► 1 and 2 November, Lisbon ILO Forum on Decent Work for a Fair Globalization ► 2 and 3 November, Lisbon Schools facing up to new challenges ► 26 and 27 November, Lisbon Conference on Valuing Learning: European experiences in validating non formal and informal learning ► 29 and 30 November, Lisbon EU Conference on the 50 years of Social Dialogue in Europe