A Membership Development Tool 6/15/2018 Club Visioning A Membership Development Tool Good Morning fellow Rotarians….I am honored to be standing in front of such an esteemed group of volunteers leaders. Thank you for inviting me to discuss a mission I am passionate about and have been engaged in for over 6 years. Club Visioning – A Membership Development Tool
Chinese Poem Go to the people. Live among the people Learn from them. 6/15/2018 Chinese Poem Go to the people. Live among the people Learn from them. Start with what they know Build on what they have. But of the best leaders, When their task is accomplished Their work is done, The people will say….. We have done it ourselves This Chinese Poem is the foundation on which we have built our Rotary Club Visioning Process. Ours is not to lead…only to facilitate those with the answers, draw the answers out and build consensus toward the result.
What organization do you know that can 6/15/2018 What organization do you know that can WITHOUT A PLAN?
Discuss Today Why Club Visioning Visioning Process History 6/15/2018 Discuss Today Why Club Visioning Visioning Process History The Club Visioning Process District level Vision Facilitator Training How Will The Club Benefit? Visioning Relating to Membership Questions… This morning I will discuss the following topics…
Visioning By The #’s 7 Years 57 Rotary Clubs Facilitated in D-5960 6/15/2018 Visioning By The #’s 7 Years 57 Rotary Clubs Facilitated in D-5960 25 Vision Facilitator Training Workshops 81 Districts with Trained Vision Facilitators 510 Trained Vision Facilitators 5200+ Rotary Clubs within the 81 Districts 20-25 Club Vision events per week
The Club Visioning Process 6/15/2018 The Club Visioning Process
The Set-Up 2 Easels w/ Post-It Wall Chart Pads 6/15/2018 The Set-Up 2 Easels w/ Post-It Wall Chart Pads Projection Screen & Small Table for Projector and Laptop Room Layout – “U” Shape For Each Participant Table Tent, Water, Pen, & Pad
Facilitation Event Schedule 6/15/2018 Facilitation Event Schedule 4:30-5:30 Set-up/dinner/socialize 5:30 Introduction/PowerPoint 6:00 Instructions/Writing Exercise 6:45 Facilitation 8:00/8:15 DOT Exercise 8:40 Summary 8:50 Action Plan / Conclusions 9:00 Adjourn
6/15/2018 It is NOW the Year 2013
Writing Exercise Vision pursued (Stand for in community) 6/15/2018 Writing Exercise Vision pursued (Stand for in community) Club size Club attributes (demographics, etc) Club Service Vocational Service Community Service Fundraising International Service Foundation Success Public Image
Action Plan ACTION WHO WHEN (Specific Date) Vision Facilitation Presentation 6/15/2018 6/15/2018 Action Plan ACTION WHO WHEN (Specific Date) Compile the facilitation wall charts Create a vision statement or “elevator speech” for our club using the information gathered this evening. Schedule a club assembly to share what has happened Assemble a President’s Development Committee (PDC) Serve as liaison to Vision Facilitation Mentor that will assist your club in preparing an Action Plan with Timeline 07-Club Planning Present V6 04-17-06 11
Implementing The Plan: Next Steps to Action Vision Facilitation Presentation 6/15/2018 6/15/2018 Implementing The Plan: Next Steps to Action Club Vision ► Translate to Long Range Goals ► Annual (Short Term) Goals ► Engage every member in the Passion of the Vision ►Club Assemblies ► Ongoing Training ► Build in Succession Leadership ► Review and update the Plan on regular basis 12 07-Club Planning Present V6 04-17-06 12
How Will Clubs Benefit From Club Visioning? 6/15/2018 How Will Clubs Benefit From Club Visioning? Goal Setting Membership Involvement Membership Development Continuity of Leadership Fellowship
Follow-up & Measurements 6/15/2018 Follow-up & Measurements
Wall Sheet Summary Collected Data Focused Areas 6/15/2018 VOCATIONAL AVE SERVICE Collected Data 3 dots 2 dots Extend Rotarian Expertise into our world community Mentor in our business and passions for students at all levels 6 dots Enrolling our Rotarian Youth in service/Rotary opportunities Community Event - fundraising with youth to serve the community and Rotary 1 dot Annual Host student at workplace goes beyond club Coaching model to help others 9 dots 7 dots YOUTH GIVEN OPPORTUNITY TO SERVE THE COMMUNITY and make a contribution (eg tree planting) and are recognized Encourage and facilitate technical education VOCATIONAL AVE SERVICE Focused Areas 3 dots 2 dots Extend Rotarian Expertise into our world community 6 dots Enrolling our Rotarian Youth in service/Rotary opportunities 9 dots 7 dots YOUTH GIVEN OPPORTUNITY TO SERVE THE COMMUNITY and make a contribution (eg tree planting) and are recognized
Developing Your Facilitation Team 6/15/2018 Developing Your Facilitation Team
- International Visioning Mission 6/15/2018 “Organized, dedicated and trained Rotarians guiding a Rotary club to better envision its future.” - International Visioning Mission
“The strength of Rotary is determined by the strength of the clubs… 6/15/2018 “The strength of Rotary is determined by the strength of the clubs… where clubs are weak Rotary is weak. If your club is not performing as it should the tools are available for you to change. Club Visioning is one of the most effective of those tools.” -- PRIP Bill Boyd
Thank you for your Commitment to bring Club Visioning to your District Vision Facilitation Presentation 6/15/2018 6/15/2018 Thank you for your Commitment to bring Club Visioning to your District 07-Club Planning Present V6 04-17-06 19