Dichotomous Key
dichotomous key a tool used to identify an unknown object.
How to read a dichotomous key: Look at the object!! Always start at the top of the dichotomous key. Read both statements and decide which statement best fits your object. Follow the directions after the statement. When you come to the name of your object, you are done
What letter does this symbol represent? 1a It has only a circle or only a square……….go to 2. 1b It has both a circle and a square………….go to 3. 2a It has 3 dots……………………………….letter E. 2b It has 3 dashes…………………………….letter F. 3a It has a square inside of a circle…………..letter A. 3b It has a circle inside of a square…………..go to 4. 4a It has one dot in the middle of the circle…..letter G. 4b It has two dots in the middle of the circle….letter H.