Welcome Change Managers 31st October 2016 Brainwriting Welcome Change Managers 31st October 2016
Generating Ideas Today you are going to generate some ideas. We are going to look at Brainstorming and why it doesn’t always work
Brainstorming Question: Put your hand up if you have been part of a brainstorming session before? Keep your hands up if you have ever had a brainstorming session where a couple people dominated and the majority couldn’t get a word in edgeways?
60-75% of the talking Brainstorming Research has shown that in a typical 6 person brainstorming group, 2 people do: If the dominate people start to use up all this time – quiet people give up and allow the dominate people to take over 60-75% of the talking Early ideas tend to have disproportionate influence over the rest of the conversation
Brainwriting What's the difference between Brainstorming and Brainwriting? The concept is the same but the method is fundamentally different. Brainwriting allows everyone to have their say. Brainstorming: Simultaneous oral generation of ideas Brainwriting: Simultaneous written generation of ideas
6 people, 3 ideas, 5 minutes (x6) 108 ideas in 30 minutes 6-3-5 Brainwriting 6 people, 3 ideas, 5 minutes (x6) 108 ideas in 30 minutes Set the scene – what is the problem we are trying to solve? Give out the grids – 3 columns, 6 rows (one row per person, one column per idea), pen and 18 post-it notes each Start writing –5 minutes to write down 3 ideas on 3 post-its, sticking them onto the grid Pass it around – After 5 minutes, pass sheet to the person sitting next to you Repeat – until all sheets are complete (30 minutes)
You now have 108 ideas. 6-3-5 Brainwriting Some will be duplicates or fall into similar categories, so you need to sort them Read through the sheets and group them into common categories or themes This will help you pull out a couple key ideas which can be focussed on and discuss in more depth
Brainwriting Exercise (on speed) Lets have a go. First - Ideas 15 minutes, 3 post-its, 3 ideas, every 5 minutes Stick your post-its into the squares on your grid sheet Every 5 minutes, pass your grid sheet to the person on your left Second – Card sorting In your groups, 10 minutes to sort the post-its into categories/groups Third – Final sort – silently! As one large group, 5 minutes to combine each teams efforts Fourth – Vote! You have 3 dots - vote for your favourite ideas