Progress Collaborations FUTURE Motivation and Strategies Implementing Digital Object Identifiers at EOL & Progress Collaborations PAST FUTURE Janine Aquino and Don Stott Earth Observing Laboratory, National Center for Atmospheric Research, Boulder, CO, United States ESIP Summer Meeting, July 19-22, 2016, Durham, North Carolina We have 8 minutes to present
Motivation: open scientific practices & reproducible research Peng, Roger D., Reproducible Research in Computational Science, Science. 2011 Dec 2; 334(6060): 1226–1227. doi: 10.1126/science.1213847 Add reference
Community Initiatives The time is now! Funding Agencies Journals Community Initiatives DSET
NCAR/DSET (Data Stewardship Engineering Team) •An initiative to implement institution-wide DOIs •Metadata to match schema • services used for minting the DOI • The manages DOIs across the institution
Development of DOI Implementation Procedures 11 community references 6 months 5 team members
Progress assigning DOIs to datasets 196 project pages updated/created 1383 DOIs minted Stats from DPS project Courtesy of Linda Cully, 18 Mar 2016
•14 Arctic Field Projects over a 20 year period •Metadata examined and updated –The older the dataset, the more difficult to assign authorship for citation •DOIs were minted in bulk 1940 DOIs minted
Progress assigning DOIs to physical objects 24 DOIs minted 9 Facilities The HARP collectors. Clockwise from upper left: actinic flux, nadir; actinic flux, zenith; irradiance, nadir; irradiance zenith. 14 instruments 1 Field Catalog Examples from website
Development of a Drupal DOI module for websites
Current collaborations to cite software 2016 All Hands Meeting July 6-8, 2016 2016 Software Citations Working Group 2016 group focusing on the “Role of identifier in the world of software” Something about each of these initiatives
Future plans to cite workflows Add something about Cooper’s process here
Decision by some NCAR labs not to use DOIs for datasets • There were concerns at some NCAR labs on automatically minting DOIs as datasets are added to an NCAR-wide system •In each case it was a question of not being prepared or willing to take on the additional responsibility of: Maintaining metadata and updating as necessary Versioning datasets if data were updated Keeping landing page current and in sync with metadata Ensuring landing page is available 24/7 •Also, some datasets may be online and active for a limited length of time during a field project, then no longer needed •The fact of the permanence of DOIs was the deal breaker for these labs Culture shifts needed !
Helping the community use all these DOIs Cut-and-paste citations Creation of “How-To” documentation Cite data Cite software Cite workflows User feedback TBD This means you - ?