MICE Partial Return Yoke Mechanical Design 23 September 2013 Stephen R. Plate Brookhaven National Laboratory 9/23/2013
Outline Mechanical Requirements and Features Assembly Technique Obstructions Engineering Calculations Cost Estimate – Outside Fabrication 9/23/2013
Mechanical Requirements and Features Minimize impact on existing structures and equipment Magnets, Detectors False floor Mezzanine Service-way cabling to ISIS Sliding platforms Comply with crane lift limit of 8 tonnes Bolted connections Maximize reconfiguration possibilities for later phases of project Eliminate possibility of changes in magnetic properties due to welding Provide greater fit-up allowances during installation Access to solenoids and AFC Increased access through yoke using very recent 6-piece design 9/23/2013
PRY SHIELDING CONSTRUCTION OVERVIEW (Mezzanine placeholder) Load-sharing cross bars (4 of 8 shown) 5700 kg at 120mm thk (one backer + one plate section) PRY SHIELDING CONSTRUCTION OVERVIEW Steel framework False Floor downstream Splice joints (will become flanged) Avoid service-ways Location templates (temp tooling) 9/23/2013
Assembly Technique – major operations Locate/drill holes using footprint template Assemble south side framework in place under mezzanine Install shield sections #1 and #2, and new middle access section #5 with backing plates Install shield sections #3 and #4, and new middle access section #6 with backing plates ... (See following illustrations - NORTH side shown for convenience) 9/23/2013
Clearance to back of channel Hoist ring Install Section 1 Clearance to back of channel Machined surfaces on channel mate to pink bar Hoist ring spacer provides correct tilt Section 2 is similarly installed 9/23/2013
Install Section 3 (and 4) Lower hoist rings removed; guide blocks installed (also shown on isometric, Slide #4) Plate guided into engagement during lowering 9/23/2013
Install Restraint Bars All beam-to-channel connections will also be bolted 9/23/2013
(Assembly Technique – continued) … Install Virostek plate extensions Install spectrometer solenoids and AFC Build and install shielding on north side, same technique as south side Install north/south load-sharing cross bars 9/23/2013
Obstructions/Interferences Identification has been on-going several months Identified all now: spectrometer solenoid tie-downs, mezzanine and its column supports, vacuum ports, AFC access, etc. Work continues with input from J. Tarrant to modify the shielding and/or add required apertures to model as required. Magnetic analysis is done for each modification (H. Witte) as appropriate Construction drawings to follow 9/23/2013
Engineering Calculations Magnetic forces vector ~8660 N, each of 4 shield sections North side in trench shown Dead weight 25,810 kg total 9/23/2013 Overturning moment
Moment Reaction, worst location 9/23/2013
Need Reaction Moment Overturning moment = 29.7x103 N-m [263x103 in-lb] Must be self-supporting before cross bars are attached To counteract safely, maintain compression of vertical beam legs with floor. Determine force required to do this; check with ANSYS Workbench RESULT 4 anchor bolts/leg, spaced 234 mm [9.21 in] apart, embedded 240 mm [9.5 in] RAL must provide adequate strength surface (5000 psi concrete floor or grouted support plates anchored to floor) 9/23/2013
Deflection under loads of gravity and magnetic forces, with cross bars attached 9/23/2013
(Play video) 9/23/2013
Cost Quotes / Estimates Shield plates, machined, 1008 steel From American Alloy Steel, Syracuse, NY, USA Material cost = $5600, each of eight plates Machining cost = $2850, each of eight plates Backing plates (4-pc design), mat’l only = $625 each of eight plates TOTAL = $72,600 Delivery: 12-14 weeks Shield plates, machined??, 1006 steel From JFE, Kurashiki, Japan Material + machining(??) cost = $6800, each of eight plates TOTAL = (6800+625 est)*8 = $59,400 Delivery: 16 weeks Shield plates, machined, 1006 steel From Tesla Engineering, UK TOTAL = £74,227 Delivery: 21 weeks Framework, both sides – estimate only (unburdened) Labor 580 hrs @ $110/hr = $63,800 Material = $17,000 (steel + aluminum + hardware) TOTAL = $80,800 9/23/2013
Work to complete Finalize modifications to shielding plates to avoid interferences, etc. Reposition legs Reposition drilled/tapped holes Insert in Virostek plate extension for slide-out of spectrometer solenoids (allow rise of solenoid by 50 mm) Slot(s) for tracker waveguides 6-piece design change for AFC access Structural Framework Shorten framework legs for installation of surveyed and grouted floor plates (accommodate uneven floor) Reposition/shorten restraint bars on South side (interference with mezzanine) Begin and complete manufacturing drawings in CY13 Shorten legs for installation of surveyed and grouted floor plates (accommodate uneven floor) 9/23/2013
Floor bolting calculations, Page 1 9/23/2013
Floor bolting calculations, Page 2 9/23/2013
Floor bolting calculations, Page 3 9/23/2013
Floor bolting calculations, Page 4 9/23/2013
Floor bolting calculations, Page 5 9/23/2013
Floor bolting calculations, Page 6 9/23/2013