Focusing Standardization areas of TTA 2 Focusing Standardization areas of TTA IoT, Cloud, Big Data, Mobile(5G), Security (ICBMS) - Continuing strategic activities on 5 Key areas which can create new added value in hyper connectivity age UHDTV - Planning to develop a standard for terrestrial 4K UHD by ’16. 6 according to the scheduled terrestrial UHD commercial broadcasting OSS (Open Source Software) - Established the open source experts consultation program on domestic OSS for more efficient standardization process
Ministry of Science, ICT and Future Planning (MSIP) Member State 3 Expansion of Rols Contributing/supporting ISO/IEC JTC1 activities through National body Ministry of Science, ICT and Future Planning (MSIP) Member State 한국정보통신기술협회 I T U ISO/IEC/JTC1 Korean Agency for Technology and Standards (KATS) National Body WSC TTA GSC National Radio Research Agency (RRA) COSD (Cooperation Organization for Standards Development International Domestic Government Private
4 TTA activities Strengthening cooperation with de-facto organizations - TTA is currently closely cooperate with 38 domestic Fora such as 5G forum, IoT forum, etc. Concentrate on supporting SMEs on standardization activities - Continuously communicate with Korean SMEs on their difficulties and seek for ways to support them WTSA-2016 - TTA has participated in supporting the Korea government on its preparation TTA has signed the cooperation agreement with GSMA on VoLTE technology (’16.2)
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Supplementary Slides
Developing market-oriented domestic standards Published Standards In 2016, 386 standards are planned to be developed Information Technology Standards for end users, meaning standard which covers everyday life of general public (6 standards) Membership Mobile alarm for Fire evacuation Data standard for individual smart device ICT Technology·Service (380 standards) UHDTV Standard PS-LTE Standard
TTA Committee Structure