Personal Growth Plan Update BPS School Board February 13th, 2017 Andy Kubas, Director of Learning Supports Cheryl Martin, PGP Development Specialist
College and Career Planning Personal Growth Plan Each student's Personal Growth Plan includes information and/or goals in the following areas: Academic Indicators Grades, test scores, academic goals, etc. 3 elements - Academic, Life/Social, Career Note: College doesn’t just mean 4 year college- also includes community college, technical college, apprenticeship, etc. Life and Social Skills Participation in extracurricular activities, attendance data, life & social goals, etc. College and Career Planning (Grades 6-12) such as career interest inventories, resume tools, course planning, etc.
Highlights from 2015-16 PGP’s were piloted with all grade 9 through 12 students in the spring of 2016. 74% of 9th grade students reported that going through the PGP activities helped gain a better understanding of their interests and strengths. 94% of 9th grade students reported an interest in learning more about making plans for after high school.
2016-17 High School Update Implementation of 12 PGP activities per grade during Wednesday advisory classes (8 assigned as of 2/8/17) Student centered learning Students and staff can monitor activity completion Continuous Improvement Process / Feedback from staff and students Implementation of Naviance Family Connection Career & College assessments / research tools PGP activity instructions / completion Allows anytime, anywhere learning
Student Overview
2016-17 Middle School Update Fall 2016 Professional development for staff Research and planning for Spring Pilot March - May PGP Activity Pilot - 2 activities per grade Identify activities for full implementation Counselor lead Advisory teacher lead Embedded in courses May Finalize plans for 2017 implementation
Career & College Planning There are positive relationships between future vision and goals, engagement and academic performance! Why start in middle school?
Career & College Planning Students will benefit from a developmental approach It is important to start early as students move through adolescence and are forming their identity (a normal adolescent process). High school PGP activities will build on the foundation created in the middle school. Source: M. Savitz-Romer & S. Bouffard, Ready, Willing, and Able - A Developmental Approach to College Access and Success
Middle School Intro to PGP We have incorporated this developmental approach into our Intro to PGP for the middle schools Middle School Intro to PGP