SEND Support Service Support Service Pupil View (Powerpoint) The attached copy will allow Schools some means of recording the Pupils view. This is presented in a pictorial form and is still heavily reliant on the adult’s supporting the child to offer some type of opinion on behalf of the child. This opinion should be cross referenced with as many of the adults working with the pupil. For a child who may be able to demonstrate an opinion this could be done through offering a selection of pictorial choices. e.g. ‘Things that I like to do at school’ – A choice of 6 pictures could be presented and the child chooses the picture of the task they like to do most at school. The questions asked in this presentation are based on the ‘Pupil advice’ form for IPRA / statement / EHCP. This template has been produced in ‘PowerPoint’ as it is the most accessible piece of software available to all schools. The SSA / Senco could then add pictures to the blank template to illustrate the possible views of the child. It would be good practice to have a range of photographic evidence throughout the school year of the child in a range of settings. It can be printed off or presented on a Whiteboard in a more interactive manner at the annual review by the child pressing a switch or being prompted to use the arrow key. (Cut a piece of cardboard out and blue tack onto arrow key as a prompt for the child to hit). Hopefully this will enhance the pupil voice at the review and act as a catalyst to further discussion / engagement with the parents. Neil Scott Advisory Teacher SEND Support Service Support Service
XXXXX review
People who are important to me this year My family
People who are important to me this year My friends
People who are important to me this year At school
People who are important to me this year Other people….
About me………. Things that I have liked this year.
About me………. Things that have helped me this year.
About me………. Things that I have found hard this year.
About me………. The best way to help me.
Things I would like to achieve next year……
One day I would like to......
Thanks for coming to my review!