#College Road Trip #HHS College Class of 2018 #College Road Trip #HHS College
#When Thursday, March 23rd Departure times between 8:30 and 10:00 Return by 2 PM or earlier Report to 1st Block Class. We will call students to auditorium by College before departures
#Where are we going?
Monday, March 13th 9:02 AM #How Do I sign Up? Google Form will be released Monday, March 13th 9:02 AM
#What do I need to do? Need to hand in permission slip to your advisory teacher by Thursday, March 16th Need to bring $7 for lunch Need to prepare for all types of weather Need to wear comfortable footwear.
#Summary March 23rd Trip March 13th Sign Up March 16th Permission Slip $7 Lunch Comfortable footwear
#Questions ????