National Social Dialogue Angelika Muller Governance and Tripartism Department ILO, Geneva National Social Dialogue Social Dialogue Institutions in Pre-conditions for social dialogue International labour standards Legal and institutional framework Gender equality
Forms of Social Dialogue Governments Social Dialogue Civil Society (NGOs, Cooperatives) Workers Employers
Pre-conditions for Social Dialogue Freedom of association & Right to collective bargaining Political will Institutional Framework State’s Support Strong, independent, representative & technically competent social partners
Social Dialogue & International Labour Standards Fundamental Conventions (8) – Declaration of 1998 Freedom of association (C87) & collective bargaining (C98) Forced labour (C29 & C105) Child labour (C138 (minimum age) & C182 (worst forms)) Non-discrimination (C100 (equal pay) & C111 (equality)) Governance Conventions (4) – Social Justice Declaration of 2008 Tripartite consultations (Convention 144 (& Recommendation 152) Employment policies (C122) Labour inspection (C81 and C129 (agriculture)) Technical Conventions (177) and Recommendations (204) Consultation (Industrial and National Levels) Recommendation No. 113
Ratification of ILO Convention No Ratification of ILO Convention No. 144 on Tripartite Consultation (International Labour Standards) 75% (139 countries)
Levels of Social Dialogue & Types of Agreements International National Sector / Branch Regional / Local Enterprise
Gender Equality & Social Dialogue NGOs Quantity Quality
Social Dialogue: for or against? Advantages Democracy, social peace, ownership of reforms Challenges Stakeholders’ representativity, political will, trust, urgency Which impact and results?
National Social Dialogue & Multinational Entreprises ILO Tripartite Declaration on Multinational Enterprises Global Supply Chains (International Labour Conference, 2016) International Framework Agreements (Cross-border social dialogue)
2030 Agenda: 17 Sustainable Development Goals
ILO’s Action on Promoting Social Dialogue Legal Framework Institutional Support Research Training