I’m back. Please grab your notebook and get ready for the drill I’m back! Please grab your notebook and get ready for the drill. Turn in your HW from Tuesday if you still have it!
Do Now: Write the answers on your half-sheet Do Now: Write the answers on your half-sheet. Start every answer on a new line. 1. A principle is usually some value that you have guiding your action, behaviors, or thoughts. Principles normally revolve around what’s morally right or wrong. What are some principles that you use to guide yourself, or what would be some you would like to have? For example, Mr. Krzys tries to embrace respect, kindness, and thankfulness as principles in his own life. 2. As a review, list the two philosophers of government and their beliefs. 3. How difficult do you think it is to be a substitute teacher? How would you react if you were one for a day? How do you behave when you have a substitute? How do you think students should behave when they have a substitute teacher?
Early Announcements Entrance Procedure Check Homework from Two Days Ago? Coach Class Today since I was not here Wed Unavailable the Rest of the Week
Homework Review!
Unit 1 – Foundations & Principles of Gov’t
What have we covered so far? Purposes of Gov’t – why do we have a gov’t and what are its responsibilities? Who can name them all? Philosophers – people who came up with the major ideas that built our government Who can name them and explain their ideas?
John Locke – human beings are born with natural rights and no one can take them away People in general are good and the govt should protect their freedom Thomas Hobbes – human beings are naturally evil and they cannot handle freedom There must be a strong gov’t that enforces what is right and what is wrong Life is “nasty, brutish, & short”
Principles of Government
Principles A principle is a fundamental source or basis of something, similar to a philosophy There are many principles that the United States if built upon and each unit we will focus on 2-3 principles that will guide how we study our government The principles we will cover in this unit are…
Limited Government The Idea: There are things the gov’t cannot do. Citizens have rights that can’t be taken away Why? If the gov’t could take away whatever rights it wanted (like the right to vote), it would no longer have to listen to its citizens Example: The gov’t is LIMITED to what the Constitution says it can do
Popular = The People’s Sovereignty = Rule Popular Sovereignty Popular = The People’s Sovereignty = Rule The Idea: the gov’t’s power comes from people Why? B/c a King doesn’t have any power if no one follows him. Example: If leaders do not follow the people’s will, they will not get votes! Kings, like this guy, used to believe that God gave them the power to rule, so they didn’t have to listen to their people at all.
Consent of the Governed Consent = Permission The Idea: The people give their permission to the government to rule them and they can overthrow the gov’t if it is not doing it’s job Why? Because a gov’t is there to take care of it’s citizens. If it’s not doing that, what good is it? Example: American colonists felt abused by King George III (English King), so they overthrew him in the Revolutionary War.
GROUPWORK: Principles Principles Readings: One person in your group reads the paper out loud. Every one else listens along until they hear and answer. Politely say “Found one!” or “I heard an answer!” Everyone at the group answers it together. Continue until you answer all the questions are answered for this reading.
Principles & the Philosophers Now that you are all experts on the principles and the philosophers, let’s see how the two are connected
Hobbes Locke What did he think about people? Would he have liked Popular Sov & Consent of the Govt? Would he have liked Popular Sov & Consent of the Govt?
Exit Ticket Answer the following prompt in a well-written, 5 sentence BCR: Which philosopher would agree the most with the principles of Popular Sovereignty & Consent of the Governed? Why? Be sure to include details and examples in your response.