By Deon Jackson & Jamiah Richardson Bursar Accountant By Deon Jackson & Jamiah Richardson
Skills & Abilities Bursar will require skills in diplomacy. Considerable patience and tolerance. Ability to produce budget estimates. Financial and statistical summaries. Knowledge of the law and Income Tax.
Jobs in the Bursar field. Assistant Bursar Student Accounts Specialist Account Clerk Assistant Director Cashier Collections coordinator
Salary Range The annual salary for a Bursar accountant is 68,553. May depend on industry, company size, location, years of experience or Level of Education.
Required Education Requires Bachelor Degree. At least five years experience in the field Certain degree of creativity and latitude Cashier functions of the university/college. Direction & leadership in financial management
Typical Tasks Supervises overall operations of student financial services. Billing and receivables. Cashiering functions of the university/college
Steps you need to take. Interested and committed to education. Well organized. Work well as a member. Have knowledge & accounting experience. Work well under pressure. Excellent writing & communication skills. Keep information confidential.
Additional Information. Bursars can work for colleges. Can work for Banks. Can work with counselors.