LaserBodySculpting by Smartlipo™ Smartlipo is laser-assisted liposuction. Traditional liposuction tears out large amounts of fat with instruments like cheese-graters. Hospitalized patients are often left bruised and bleeding with loose, hanging skin. Many of these patients require additional and expensive treatments to achieve their desired result.
The beauty of Smartlipo™ is two procedures in one. Smartlipo is MUCH different and much safer! It’s performed on an outpatient basis right here in our office, and downtime is minimal. Most patients return to normal activity within a few days. And because of the laser, you get two procedures in one…it melts the fat and tightens the skin. Melts the fat. Tightens the skin.
Commonly treated areas….. Face, neck & chin Upper arms Bra bulge Flanks, muffin tops or love handles Abdomen Gluteal crease or bunny roll Outer thighs or saddlebags Inner thighs Knees These are some of the areas commonly treated with Smartlipo.
The “magic” of tumescence…. Provides numbing. Separates the fat. During your Smartlipo procedure, you are lightly sedated by taking a small pill which helps you relax. We then place a special solution called tumescence under the skin of the area to be treated. Most importantly, the tumescence numbs the area to keep you comfortable. It also helps control bleeding and separates the fat from other tissues making it easier to remove.
Liquefied fat is removed with micro-instruments. The “suction” part of liposuction is when we remove or “suck out” the melted, liquefied fat. At this point, we may ask you to stand up, take a look and let us know if you think we need to remove a little more from any certain spot.
Final step is laser skin tightening. During the final portion of treatment, we run the laser along the underside of the skin. The laser’s heat stimulates collagen production which helps tighten skin. You’ll likely see continued improvement for up to six months following treatment. We can spend a little extra time on any areas needing special attention.
Smartlipo™ Successes… Here are some Smartlipo before & after photos. This is a female patient before and after Smartlipo to the outer thigh….
Smartlipo™ Successes… Another female patient after Smartlipo to the upper and lower abdomen, outer thighs and flanks (love handles or muffin tops).
Smartlipo™ Successes… Female patient, flanks, inner and outer thighs, bunny roll….
Smartlipo™ Successes… Inner and outer thighs….
Smartlipo™ Successes… Upper arm (notice the skin tightening effect)…..
Smartlipo™ Successes… Here’s a male patient after Smartlipo to remove excess fat in the breast area….
Smartlipo™ Successes… Before and after Smartlipo to chin, neck and jowls….
Smartlipo™ Successes… Another chin, neck and jowls patient….
Two more smart reasons to choose Smartlipo™…. Permanent fat loss. Enhanced metabolism. Two final thoughts….with Smartlipo, the fat cells we remove are gone forever. If you gain weight over the years following your treatment, it tends to be somewhat more evenly distributed throughout your entire body. Secondly, there is speculation that removing fat cells via Smartlipo tricks your body into fat-burning mode which may help you with your weight loss or weight maintenance goals.
LaserBodySculpting™ by Smartlipo™ Imagine your before & after photo here…. LaserBodySculpting™ by Smartlipo™ You could be our next success story!