Feedback – Maputo 12 September 2017


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Presentation transcript:

Feedback – Maputo 12 September 2017 LaTFURE – Erasmus+ Policy Seminar and Steering Committee Meeting Summary & Closing Remarks (in continuation of the morning session) Feedback – Maputo 12 September 2017

Summary & Closing Remarks Context conditions in Mozambique: In Mozambique, there is a considerable expansion of the higher education system, from about 5,000 (1990s) to 200,000 (currently) students. There are expectations of a further considerable expansion. Higher education system expansion in Mozambique focuses now with a greater attention on the success (rates) of graduates into employment (self-employment) statuses (there already are phenomena of unemployed graduates from university / higher education institutions). David F. J. Campbell (Danube University Krems) 12 September 2017

Summary & Closing Remarks Context conditions in Mozambique (continued): Transition of the domestic economy (from more “socialist” to more “market oriented”). The prevailing strength of the “informal sector” / “informal economy” in Mozambique. Globalization effects will increase continuously, with more Multi-National Corporations (MNCs) entering Mozambique. A (comprehensive) legal framework for Dual Education in Mozambique still must be developed. David F. J. Campbell (Danube University Krems) 12 September 2017

Summary & Closing Remarks Key statements (questions) being addressed by Prof. Patricio Langa (yesterday, Day 1): Dual Education experiences in Europe cannot be “exported” to Mozambique. They should carefully be analyzed and assessed in Mozambique (and Europe), but they have to be “re-invented” (re-framed) for the context of Mozambique. How to (possibly) integrate the informal sector (informal economy) of Mozambique into Dual Education approaches? How (to which extent) must be designs of Dual Education be specific when they refer to Multi-National Corporations (MNCs)? David F. J. Campbell (Danube University Krems) 12 September 2017

Summary & Closing Remarks: Conceptual Challenges (1) The European Situation (on Dual Education): There is no one single, universal definition of Dual Education (particularly when also considering the implementation). There are similarities, differences, and overlaps between: Dual Education (universities), Universities of Applied Sciences (“Fachhochschulen”), Polytechnics. Implementations of these approaches also differ considerably across Europe (the European Union) (as has been shown by comparative studies). One key characteristic of Dual Education: students, “at the same time” (in parallel), study and work. David F. J. Campbell (Danube University Krems) 12 September 2017

Summary & Closing Remarks: Conceptual Challenges (2) Dual Education and Interdisciplinarity (Transdisciplinarity): There are indications that questions/issues/challenges of interdisciplinarity (transdisciplinarity) also associate with Dual Education. Peter Heintel (an Austrian scholar) once said: “Society has problems, and universities have disciplines” (and this is the dilemma). Interdisciplinarity (interdisciplinary competences) are being said to support problem-solving often better than simple disciplinarity. David F. J. Campbell (Danube University Krems) 12 September 2017

Summary & Closing Remarks: Conceptual Challenges (3) Dual Education and Interdisciplinarity (Transdisciplinarity) (continued): One definition of Transdisciplinarity = Interdisciplinarity in the context of application. Basic research, applied research, but there is also: “Basic research in the context of application” (linear and non-linear innovation). It is evident that when universities (higher education institutions) want to support interdisciplinarity (transdisciplinarity), then this also will require structural and process-oriented changes (and with these the universities clearly struggle). David F. J. Campbell (Danube University Krems) 12 September 2017

Summary & Closing Remarks: Conceptual Challenges (4) Dual Education and Interdisciplinarity (Transdisciplinarity) (continued further): The proposition (hypothesis) here is: Dual Education = can be seen as a case and organizational expression of interdisciplinarity (transdisciplinarity). What are Dual-Education and/or interdisciplinary (transdisciplinary) competences? Here we heard about the epitomized image (metaphor) of the T: Horizontal Broadness (interdisciplinary, intersectorally) and Vertical Depth (disciplinary specialization). David F. J. Campbell (Danube University Krems) 12 September 2017

Summary & Closing Remarks: Organizational Challenges (1) What happens with the “massification” of higher education (systems)? European higher education systems have run through a long phase of massification, and there are indications that this will (may) continue. For example: life-long learning, also “older” students, higher-education-based retraining of the workforce, continued education. Proposition (hypothesis): it is evident that also Mozambique is entering the phase of massification of higher education. David F. J. Campbell (Danube University Krems) 12 September 2017

Summary & Closing Remarks: Organizational Challenges (2) What happens with the “massification” of higher education (systems)? But #1: With a growing massification of a higher education system, there may also be a growing issue of quality assurance and quality enhancement of the performance delivery of university functions – not only more, we also want better higher education institutions. But #2: With the massification of higher education, also the diversity (heterogeneity) within higher education increases – empirically, and also with regard to possible organizational designs and strategies (what possibly can be done). David F. J. Campbell (Danube University Krems) 12 September 2017

Summary & Closing Remarks: Organizational Challenges (3) What is the relationship of the education function and research function of universities (higher education institutions)? Scenario #1: Higher education systems should focus first on universities (higher education institutions) that deliver education (teaching), and in a later phase invest in universities (higher education institutions) with research performance. Scenario #2: From the beginning, the universities (higher education institutions) of a higher education systems should have education (teaching) and research capacities, but of course the ratio and balance would have to be case-specific. Proposition (hypothesis): As the economy in Mozambique wants to move up the value chain, their universities also have to develop research capabilities. This may also attract back a possible academic diaspora (Mozambique academics living/working abroad). David F. J. Campbell (Danube University Krems) 12 September 2017

Summary & Closing Remarks: Strategy Challenges (1) What are the challenges and opportunities for Mozambique for (further) implementing Dual Education into its higher education system? A comprehensive top-down scheme or first, experimental bottom-up initiatives? Dual Education pilots produce here the opportunity for organizational learning (and to avoid large-scale errors at the beginning). What is the proper “scale” for Dual Education in Mozambique? Whole university, a particular school (faculty) or one (2-3) specific programs? For example (without now knowing the further details), Eduardo Mondlane university could establish a specific subunit that focuses on Dual Education. David F. J. Campbell (Danube University Krems) 12 September 2017

Summary & Closing Remarks: Strategy Challenges (2) What are the challenges and opportunities for Mozambique for (further) implementing Dual Education into its higher education system (continued)? A single initiative or a joint cooperation with other (higher education) institutions? For example (without now knowing the further details), Eduardo Mondlane university may want to think of advancing further a cooperation with the Duale Hochschule Baden-Württemberg (“double degrees”, faculty rotation, exchange of outgoing/incoming students). There could be south-south co-operations (higher education institutions of Mozambique and South Africa) and south-north co-operations (for example, with higher education institutions in Europe/the EU). David F. J. Campbell (Danube University Krems) 12 September 2017

Summary & Closing Remarks: Strategy Challenges (3) What are the challenges and opportunities for Mozambique for (further) implementing Dual Education into its higher education system (continued further)? The interface or interlinkage between higher education institutions and multi-national corporations (MNCs) in Mozambique represents a crucial area: What is the trust necessary but also the smart designs possible to push here further with progress? Should there be a national legal and policy frame that the licensing of harvesting natural resources requires MNCs to participate in national Dual Education schemes? David F. J. Campbell (Danube University Krems) 12 September 2017

Summary & Closing Remarks: Strategy Challenges (4) What are the challenges and opportunities for Mozambique for (further) implementing Dual Education into its higher education system (continued further)? Possible sectors in Mozambique on which Dual Education may focus, are: Mining and harvesting of natural resources. Business (including economics and innovation). Tourism (including arts and social sciences). Health, health services, medicine. The Informal Sector and Economy. David F. J. Campbell (Danube University Krems) 12 September 2017