Hawthorne Elementary PTO February 2016 Meeting
Agenda Welcome & Introductions Treasurer's Report Principal's Report Current Projects Upcoming Events Guest Speaker: Angie Heath How to Support the PTO Open Discussion/Questions
Executive Board Officers Faculty Members of Executive Board Jenny Lin (President) Tiffany Laffitte (Vice President) Melissa Christian (Secretary) Rebecca O’Brien (Treasurer) Faculty Members of Executive Board Angela Ervin (Principal) Ann Geniusz (Teacher Liaison)
The PTO’s Role is … To encourage involvement of the parents, school staff and community as a team to promote the welfare of the students and youth in home, school and community. To sponsor events to bring closer the relationship of home and school so the parents and teacher may cooperate intelligently in the education of the child. To encourage and acknowledge academic achievement. To raise funds to enhance the educational facilities and opportunities of the students of Hawthorne Elementary that are not otherwise provided for in the school corporation budgets.
Coordinators Fall Fundraiser (Rebecca O’Brien) Book Fair (Usborne and Ann Ward) Skate Zone (Tiffany Lafitte) School Store (Ann Geniusz) Labels for Education & Box Tops (Breanne Braskett) GEM Awards (Valerie Lonsinger) Scholarship Committee (Jenny Lin) Spring Event (Donna Kopecky/Cari Hansen) Kids Invite Someone Special (K.I.S.S.) (Monika Rusnak) Westerville Parent Council Delegates (Melissa Christian & Jenny Lin) ??? (Your idea here) http://www.hawthorneschool.org/volunteer-opportunities/
Treasurer’s Report Current balance: $19,094.08, Expenses: Income $100 to Andrew Insurance Assoc for Bond Insurance (3/1/16 to 3/1/17) $495 for the Good Program speaker $5,836.05 to Scholastic Book Fairs $175 for change for the book fair $73.81 to Jones School Supplies for ribbons Income $6,022.05 from Scholastic Book Fair. $175 book fair change Outstanding: Expenses: $600 for spring fair inflatables Income: Kroger $151.42 $25 toward writing project fund from Hawthorne History sales.
Principal’s Report
Current Projects! GEM – congrats to Mrs. Limes!! Scholarship – congrats to WNHS winner Trash to Fashion: Judging March 23 Invention Convention: Judging March 18
EVENTS! Keep up to date at www.hawthorneschool.org/about-us/2015-2016-calendar/ UPCOMING: March 21 – Literacy Night April 20 – 2016-17 PTO Interest Meeting April 30 – Spring Fun Fair! –help needed! May 2-6 -- Teacher Appreciation Week- help needed!
Guest Speaker Welcome Angie Heath! Gifted Intervention Facilitator
Support the PTO Earn funds for your school without paying or doing anything extra! Labels for Education Box Tops for Education Designate Hawthorne to benefit when you shop: Meijer (uses Meijer credit card or Meijer 1 Card and PIN-debit or cash) Link Hawthorne to your Target Red Card Shop at Smile.Amazon.com and choose Hawthorne Kroger Community Rewards Giant Eagle My Coke Rewards, Kellogg’s Family Rewards …. Ask us for details or visit www.hawthorneschool.org/shopping-rewards
Open Discussion/Questions The mission of the PTO is to make Hawthorne the best school it can be, whether that is funding the “extras” such as field trips and guest speakers, or facilitating communication. Please express ideas, concerns, etc. If you have a special skill and wish to share it with us to help us do things better, please let us know!