State It’s modern phenomena. It emerged in 15th -16th century. It’s western construct.
Features of modern state 1.Sovereignty. 2. Territorially limited. 3. Universal Authority with in the boundary. 4.Backed by coercion. 5. Compulsory Area Features of modern state
Leviathan: Hobbes State
Leviathan: Hobbes State
Theories of the state Liberal theory Marxian theory
Liberal theory of State Based on Liberal democracy 1. Constitutional Government. 2. Individual rights & liberty. 3.Multi-party competition. 4.Regular free & fair election. Strong Civil Society
Liberal State 1. Neutral arbiter / Umpire/Referee Modern state less responsive. 2. Polyarchy : a) Government, b) Non-elected elements c) Organized political groups d) JKGalbraith _ The Affluent Society e) Charles Lindblom: Politics & Market
New Right/ Neo-liberal/ Liberitarian Arguments 1. State becomes overarching/ Monster. 2. Electoral Promises for winability. 3. Closer links between business & working class 4.Expanding of bureaucracy
Primacy of Private life 1. Private sphere is sacred