Map Parts or Components Geography 7 Dunmore Middle School
Questions. What are the parts or components of a map? What are the different kinds of maps? Write 5 sentences telling what you know about maps.
Map Components Most maps have basic parts that help you figure out what the map is about: A Title A Legend or Key A Scale A Direction Indicator or Compass Rose A Date (is the map still reliable?) A Grid System – Latitude/Longitude or Coordinates?
Map Components The Title tells you what the map is showing you. What does this map show you?
Map Components The Legend or Map Key tells the user about the colors or symbols used on the map. Copy four symbols.
Map Components The Compass Rose tells you the cardinal directions (north, south, east, west) and sometimes intermediate directions ( NE, SW, Etc.). Their purpose is to orient the map.
Compass roses can be elaborate decorations on a map,
Or simple direction finders. Here, a variety of north arrow designs.
Map Components Map Scale: The scale of a map shows the relation between the map and the real world. For example: One inch on the map may equal 10 miles in the real world.
Some map scales for you to gaze upon.
The Map Grid
Map Grid Some maps use a coordinate system of letters and numbers to help locate things on the map.
Map Components Most world maps use the lines of latitude and longitude (more about these soon) to help locate items on the map.
Types of Maps Political Maps show features determined by people not nature – state or national boundaries , cities, capitals.
Look very closely at these political maps. Notice how each different area is a different color.
See the black border lines that separate one place from the next See the black border lines that separate one place from the next? These are boundaries or borders – lines that mark the division between two areas. A boundary can be a body of water like a river or sea. It can also be a line drawn on a political map.
Even if you don’t know the language – the map- making conventions are international.
Types of Maps Physical Maps – show different physical features like mountains, rivers, lakes, or other permanent geographical features. Relief – the changing elevation of the land - is shown by shading or changing color.
Physical maps show the world made by nature, not people, although some political features are sometimes shown.
Types of Maps Special Purpose Maps are designed to show specific data or information: Road maps, climate maps, population density maps, vegetation maps, natural resource maps, topographic maps.
What type of map is this? Write a title for this map.
The top picture is part of a topographic map The top picture is part of a topographic map. The lines show similar heights of elevation as seen from above. Notice the middle picture. It shows two hills. The bottom picture shows what the hills look like from our perspective.
Map Parts Review Answer the following questions in your notebook Map Parts Review Answer the following questions in your notebook. Use complete sentences. What do political maps show? What shows the relation of the map to the real world? What are the cardinal directions? What does the legend or map key tell you? What are boundaries on a map? 6. What do physical maps show? 7. Give three examples of Special Purpose Maps. 8. What are two ways that grid systems could be shown on maps? 9. Why would the date of a map be important? 10. What is Relief on a map and how is it shown?