Computer Memory Digital Literacy
Memory Memory: The area in the computer that temporarily holds data waiting to be processed.
RAM RAM stands for Random Access Memory It is the memory that holds your data as you process it. The data stays in RAM until you save it. RAM is volatile, which means temporary; it can’t hold data when the power is off. Data is lost if the computer looses power.
RAM continued… The more RAM you have, the more multitasking you can do on your computer. If you don't have enough RAM, you may notice that your computer is sluggish when you have several programs open. Many people add extra RAM to their computers to improve performance.
ROM ROM stands for Read Only Memory. ROM contains the instructions the computer uses when it boots up. Because the data is ‘read only’, it can be read but not changed by the user. The data is not erased when the computer is switched off—the data is stored permanently. Therefore, ROM is non-volatile, which means permanent.
Binary Code Binary code is the language computers use to communicate and process information. Binary code uses a two-symbol system and assigns a pattern of bits to each letter, digit, or other character in a computer. It uses a combination of the numbers 0 and 1.
BIT Each 0 or 1 is called a bit. A bit is the smallest unit of information that a computer handles A single bit conveys little meaningful information
BYTE A combination of eight bits is called a byte. One byte (8 bits) represents a single letter, symbol, or digit. A 2 letter word = 2 bytes, 16 bits
Kilobyte One kilobyte (KB) is equal to 1,024 bytes. Kilo is a prefix meaning thousand. Kilobyte = Approximately one thousand bytes Most of the user data stored in a computer, such as simple e-mail messages or a text file, occupies storage space of a few kilobytes.
Megabyte One megabyte (MB) = 1,000 KB Mega = Million Megabyte = Approximately one million bytes The amount of information contained in 1 MB is approximately equal to one complete textbook.
Gigabyte One gigabyte (GB) = 1,000 MB Giga = Billion Gigabyte = Approximately one billion bytes Some videos stored on a computer can occupy more than 1 GB of space.
Terabyte One terabyte (TB) = 1,000 GB Tera = Trillion Terabyte = Approximately one trillion bytes Let's assume we're storing text from magazine pages. At an average 5,000 characters per page, 1TB of disk space could hold 220 million pages of text!
Petabyte Petabyte (PB)= approximately one quadrillion bytes Google processes approximately 24 petabytes of data each day. AT&T transfers approximately 30 petabytes of data through its networks each day.
Exabyte Exabyte (EB) = approximately one quintillion bytes In the next decade, astronomers expect to be processing 10 petabytes of data every hour from a telescope called the Square Kilometer Array (SKA). The telescope is expected to generate approximately one Exabyte every four days of operation. IBM is currently designing hardware to process this information