Wave and Tide Reports
Photos courtesy of EMU Ltd 10 – 12m CD
Annual Report (all sites)
Annual Wave Reports Recovery rate Monthly means Highest storms
Time series for whole year Annual Wave Reports Time series for whole year (including storm threshold)
Annual Wave Reports
Annual Wave Reports Milford-on-Sea
Annual Wave Reports – joint distribution
Annual Wave Reports – the “Storm Calendar”
2. Interim Wave Reports July to June Wave Rose Start Bay
3. Storm Reports Peaks over Threshold
Chesil – 10 March 2008 Tidal elevations from Weymouth (NSLTF (POL)) This intensive storm resulted from the development of an extensive, complex, deep low pressure system (central pressure 946 hPa), which transited rapidly across the southern half of the UK, filling slightly to 966hPa (Figures 5 to 6). The storm generated a long-lasting storm surge of nearly 0.8m at Weymouth. Although the peak of the storm occurred 4 hours after HW, the conditions at High Water (about 09:00), saw waves in excess of 4m, a near-equinoctial spring tide, and a storm surge of 0.63m to give a combined SWL elevation (at Weymouth) of 2.11m OD. Waves were from the SW, which is the direction of highest exposure at Chesil. Tidal elevations from Weymouth (NSLTF (POL))
UK Met Office surface pressure charts This intensive storm resulted from the development of an extensive, complex, deep low pressure system (central pressure 946 hPa), which transited rapidly across the southern half of the UK, filling slightly to 966hPa (Figures 5 to 6). The storm generated a long-lasting storm surge of nearly 0.8m at Weymouth. Although the peak of the storm occurred 4 hours after HW, the conditions at High Water (about 09:00), saw waves in excess of 4m, a near-equinoctial spring tide, and a storm surge of 0.63m to give a combined SWL elevation (at Weymouth) of 2.11m OD. Waves were from the SW, which is the direction of highest exposure at Chesil. UK Met Office surface pressure charts
Annual Tide Gauge Reports Well-surveyed, timing, accurate instruments etc. Tide gauges operated to GLOSS standards, where possible, with QC to ESEAS standards
Annual Tide Gauge Reports Datum information Site characteristics Service history Measurement method
Tidal elevations (CD and OD)
Tidal surge (residual) Extremes Mean Sea Level
Start Bay Photo: EMU Limited