Who can apply for Federal Financial Aid? Basic Eligibility Criteria for Applying for Financial Aid
Demonstrate Need Student must demonstrate financial need. The family income, assets and living expenses will be considered when determining financial need for the student.
Must be Citizen or Eligible non-citizen Student must be a U.S citizen or eligible non-citizen such as a permanent resident to apply for Financial Aid.
Not Eligible Undocumented students cannot apply for financial aid. Undocumented students can apply for State Aid. State aid information www.tafsa.gov
Must have Valid Social Security Number Student must have a valid social security to be eligible to apply for Financial Aid. Parents of students do not need a social security number for the students to be eligible to apply for financial aid.
Register with the Selective Service Males must be registered with the selective service in order to be eligible to apply for Financial Aid.
Do not need to register Females do not need to register with the selective service to be eligible to apply for Financial Aid.
Myths My parents make too much money for me to get Financial Aid. Only students with good grades get Financial Aid. I have to be minority to get Financial Aid.
Myths Homeland Security can track my undocumented parents through my Financial Aid application. My sibling did not get Financial Aid last year so I will not get either
Financial Aid Information Websites www.FederaStudentAid.ed.gov/collprep www.fafsa.edu.gov www.fsa4counselors.ed.gov www.federalStudentAid.ed.gov/pubs www.FederalStudentAid.ed.gov/guide