AP English Language and Composition Wednesday, October 4th, 2017
5 Minutes Open up your “Learning to Read” annotations Have a conversation with your table group mates. Possible talking prompts: Did you notice… What did you think about… Could you help me understand… Anyone still need a Unit 2 Calendar??
Comparison In which ways (general and specific) are the texts by Alexie and Malcolm X similar? In which ways (general and specific) are they different? Make a noun chart for the Malcolm X text (at least five rows) Identify two concrete nouns that both Alexie and Malcolm X have in common. Are the abstract nouns related to those concretes the same? Do you notice any differences?
Audience What was your personal response to the text? What parts did you feel uncomfortable about, or confused about, or uninterested in? What parts did you feel interested in, or intrigued about, or inspired by? Who might agree with what Malcolm X wrote about? Be broad yet accurate Who might disagree with what Malcolm X wrote about? Write this sentence somewhere on your paper: Malcolm X’s audience is __________________ and _______________.
AP English Language and Composition Thursday, October 5th, 2017 Journal Review nouns/audience Finish purpose notes Review calendar (10/11) Work time
Journal How do self-motivation/determination and role models fit into “to be educated”?
Things and Stuff Review calendar Pass back vocab quizzes Next Weds. 10/11 is PSAT day Move Yousafzai annotations to Thurs. 10/12 Pass back vocab quizzes L.11.6: Acquire and use accurately general academic and domain- specific words and phrases sufficient for the college and career readiness level; demonstrate independence in gathering vocab knowledge when considering a word or phrase. 4: 15+ 3: 11-14 2: 6-10 1: 0-5 Work time: Prose annotations due tomorrow!
Purpose Write this in your journal: Purpose = what the author wants the reader to think/do after reading the text. The main idea is the “what” The purpose is the “so what” For the main idea of Malcolm X’s essay, use the following ideas: Imprisonment or confinement Education or self-education Cultural understanding or awareness Write a sentence stating the main idea of Malcolm X’s essay. Then, complete this sentence: Malcolm X wants his readers to ______________________________ after reading this essay.
Homework “I Know Why the Caged Bird Cannot Read” by Francine Prose (LC anthology) Annotations due at the start of class on Friday!! We’ll “put together the pieces” in class on Friday