Welcome! Arcola Intermediate School Mrs. Brittingham Academic English 8/Honors English 8 School Year of 2016-2017
Fall Open House Year: 25th year Mbrittingham@methacton.org/RED TEAM Year: 25th year Goal: My goal is to provide my students with an educational opportunity to become life-long readers, writers, and strong communicators. Special Note: Please visit my website and community portal on a regular basis to keep up with your child’s assignments and progress.
Tonight? Curriculum Overview Student’s Progress? Options below: Arcola’s 8th grade Guidance Counselor, Mr. Mueller Mmueller@methacton.org He will assist in establishing a time to meet so we can help your son/daughter with any academic or social concerns. RED Team Communicator mbrittingham@methacton.org I can also set up a time to discuss concerns that may be affecting your son/daughter’s academic progress.
Important Reminders: If absent, check website and check absentee area in classroom. Responsible for reading agenda and writing down homework as soon as student enters classroom. Checking grades to keep up with what may be missing. Contact teacher when not understanding material.
This year students are using the Vocabulary Workshop book Level C to enhance the correct use of words in both the oral and written form. Students are encouraged to work carefully through the exercises. Activities include using words correctly in sentences as well as identifying appropriate synonyms and antonyms. This book offers an excellent source of vocabulary since most of the words on the high school level are found on SAT study lists. Page 8 is very beneficial. In addition, your child can enhance his/her knowledge of the words by practicing on the interactive website www.vocabularyworkshop.com at any time.
October 20.