Strategies for Seed Propagation of Native Forbs Dr. Susan Meyer USFS Shrub Sciences Laboratory Provo, Utah
Introduction Increased interest in forbs for biodiversity and ornamental use Nurseries called upon to propagate many unfamiliar species Strategy needed for propagation of species for which little or no information is available
Determining what is a propagule White River Catspaw Silver Buckwheat
Seed cleaning tactics Nakedstem Sunray Silver Buckwheat Wasatch Penstemon Nakedstem Sunray Silver Buckwheat
Checking seed quality Cut test Tetrazolium staining Nakedstem Sunray Sego Lily
Seed dormancy and germination requirements
Forb seed dormancy types: A practical classification Seeds non-dormant - germinate over a wide range of conditions Seeds conditionally dormant – germinate only under specific conditions Seeds physiologically dormant – lose dormancy under dry conditions lose dormancy under cold moist conditions
Forb seed dormancy types: A practical classification Seeds physically dormant – unable to take up water without treatment Seeds morphologically dormant Seeds with multiple dormancy mechanisms Seeds with cue non-responsive dormancy
Seeds non-dormant Most small-seeded Asteraceae Silver Daisy Rosy Pussytoes Most small-seeded Asteraceae
Seeds non-dormant Some high elevation species Rocky Mountain Columbine Blooming Sally Some high elevation species
Seeds non-dormant Many desert species All milkweeds Butterfly Milkweed Prince’s Plume Many desert species All milkweeds
Seeds conditionally dormant Palmer Penstemon Requires cool temperatures Fringed Sage Requires light
Seeds physiologically dormant: dry after-ripening requirement Lewis Flax
Seeds physiologically dormant: stratification requirement Arrowleaf Balsamroot
Seeds physiologically dormant: stratification requirement Wasatch Penstemon San Rafael Catspaw
Seeds physiologically dormant: stratification requirement James Buckwheat Cow Parsnip
Seeds physiologically dormant: stratification requirement Mountain Paintbrush
Seeds physically dormant Utah Sweetvetch Scarlet Globemallow Most native legumes Most native mallows
Seeds morphologically dormant Fawn Lily
Seeds with multiple dormancy mechanisms Wild Sweetpea
Seeds with multiple dormancy mechanisms Desert Marigold
Seeds with cue non-responsive dormancy Golden Bear-paw Poppy
Variation in dormancy status and germination requirements Variation among populations within a species Variation among seeds within a lot
Variation among populations within a species Firecracker Penstemon
Variation among seeds within a lot Silver Buckwheat
Variation among seeds within a lot Utah Penstemon
A decision tree for approaching seed propagation of a forb with unknown requirements
Forb seedling growth problems Species requiring microbial symbionts for optimal growth Species with high seedling susceptibility to soilborne pathogens Species with strong taproots and little lateral root growth Species with summer-dormant phenology
Species requiring microbial symbionts for optimal growth Robinson Lupine
Species with high seedling susceptibility to soilborne pathogens Maple Mallow
Species with strong taproots and little lateral root growth Desert Four O’Clock
Species with summer-dormant phenology Gray’s Biscuitroot